3- In Which My Friends Get Very Mad At My Decisions

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"But she is coming with us, and there's nothing you can do to stop us."

There was a dumfounded silence that only lasted a moment.

"Oh, like hell she is." Petra snapped, her words coming out as a savage bark.

"You aren't in much of a position to negotiate, are you?" her captor shot back.

"If you think we're just going to let you take our friend, you're dead wrong. You'll have to let us go in order to go near her again." Olivia pointed out. She was right, and maybe I could use that to my advantage. If I managed to get out of the ropes, anyone who went after me would first have to release whoever they were keeping trapped. But...Jenni still had the arrow aimed straight at Lukas's throat, and I definitely was not willing to risk his life for mine.

The leader boy sighed, looking annoyed. "Listen. Let me just clear this up for you right now. We don't know who she is, and as of now, we don't care. We have no idea why she's important, or why any of us are involved in this."

"We were sent here, to bring her to whoeverthefuck who wants us. We don't know ANYTHING, you hear me? The person who sent us must have his reasons, but he sure as shit didn't share them with us." The blue-armored girl snapped.

Petra snorted. "That still doesn't mean you just get to take her! Forget it!"

The other girl let out a frustrated growl. She adjusted her position, one forearm pinning Petra to the wall, and the other hand planted on her own hip. "You better stop arguing right now, or else people are gonna start getting killed. You see the rest of us? The five teenagers who took you guys down? We're not a team. I don't know most of them at all. Whoever wants Jesse wants all of us. Not you. The five of us and her. We don't know who that person is or what the hell he wants, but we DO know that he's willing to kill to get us there."

Her turquoise-armored counterpart spoke up next. "There were four 'missions' like this to get the five of us together, and three of those ended in a lot of death. And before you even say anything, we weren't the ones doing the killing. If you keep protesting this, whoever sent us will...get rid of you."

Olivia glared at him from across the room. "Really? And just how are they going to accomplish that?"

"He can summon monsters." The leader boy informed her in an alarmingly calm voice. "They'll appear, right here, and you'll be dead before you can scream."

"We can handle a few monsters." Axel scoffed.

"Not these ones." Jenni said. "These are horrible, terrifying, and will murder you without a thought. They're almost like wraiths, all dark and ghostlike. Except they have red eyes, and awful teeth and claws. The beasts ripped my friends apart before my very eyes, because they were trying to defend me. And unless you want to meet the same fate as them, I suggest you stop arguing."

The rest of the Order went silent, eying each other and our captors suspiciously. This sounded impossible, but what was the point of creating an elaborate lie? My mind was still spinning through the possibilities of who would want me as a hostage. I could come up with a few suspects, but what about these strangers? What did they have to do with this? Nothing added up, which was beyond frustrating.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're right. Jaqueline already said; we have no idea what's going on. We were sent to get you and go back, and supposedly we'll find out what's up." The silver/blue armored boy said, seeming to have read my mind. His tone was kind, but I was still feeling very suspicious of the odd group. I gave him as good a glare as I could manage considering my 'vantage point' on the floor.

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