Chapter 1

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Stiles POV
"All I feel is constant pain. I'm stuck. Stuck in this world that my mind has created. I know, believe me, I know it's not real. But I'm not entirely sure my subconscious does." I sigh.

"Stiles... to finally let go of this world you have created, you need to let go of that anchor that holds you there. That anchor for you is the triskele." Dr. Argent says. I nod. I get up to go, but Dr. Argent pulls me back down.

"Dr. Argent," I say but she interrupts me.
"I've told you before, call me Kate or Dr. Kate. I hear Dr. Argent and turn around expecting my father."

"Ok well, Dr. Kate. I promise I will get rid of it." I say. She slowly nods her head and lets me go. I leave her office wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do with the triskele. As I'm walking and thinking, I run straight into Allison. She smiles.

"Hey stranger. I was looking for you." She says with a big smile. I smile sadly, thinking about how in my fantasy the nogitsune killed her. She gives me a peck on the lips and grabs my hand and leads me to the library.

We walk into the library, hand in hand, and go to the back and sit at a short round table that has a little basket of flowers in the middle. I grab one and put it on Allison's ear, hiding the stem with her hair. She smiles brightly and reaches over to kiss me.

I'm about to reach over and kiss her back when I get a vision, a girl with strawberry blond hair, hair pulled back, kissing me.

"How'd you do that?" fantasy me asks.
"I, uh, I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So when I kissed you... you held your breath." She says. The vision ends. I open my eyes and pull back from Allison abruptly. She looks at me confused.

"I, I have to go." I say quickly and stand up gathering my stuff that was laid out on the table.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? Did you get another vision? Let me help." She says worriedly. I stick out my hand and shake it violently.
"I'm.... I'm fine. I just forgot that I have to bring my dad dinner at the firm. He's gonna be late tonight." I lie.
"Oh okay. Do you want me to come over?" She asks.
I shake my head, "No. It's okay. Thanks though." I head towards the door, going to the one place that I know I can be crazy. The nemeton. Or as the non
crazy people call it, the big ol' tree stump in the middle of the woods.

I get in my jeep and race down to the road by the woods. I park my car and get the camouflaged car cover from my trunk and put it over the car. I nod in satisfaction. I turn around and head toward the nemeton.

It took me five minutes to find my way to the nemeton. I sit down on the trunks edge. Another vision comes to me.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Scott questions.
"You weren't answering your phone." I say like it was the most obvious answer, "Why do you have a bat?" I question.
"I thought you were a predator." He says.
My vision ends. I sigh. This has been happening since I started sophomore year. Why? I don't know. But in my fantasy world, when I started sophomore year, Scott got bitten by a werewolf. I've always wondered if maybe my fantasy world is real and maybe this world is fake, but then I realize there is no way in hell werewolves, kitsunes, werewolf hunters, darachs, or any of that is real. I get up. Might as well go home. Maybe Allison can come over. Man I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have her as my girlfriend.

I get in my jeep after leaving the nemeton. The ride home is slow and never ending. My phone rings and falls off the seat. I look at the road and see no car in sight. I reach down to grab my phone. I grab it and quickly get up. I answer the phone and say hello, but it was already too late. The truck hits me on the driver's side and everything goes dark.

Scott POV
He looks so lifeless. Just lying there. Hooked up to all the machines that make that horrid beeping sound. If I'd known this would have happened when we killed the nogitsune I wouldn't have done it. Maybe that's why Stiles was adamant we go along with the plan no matter what, I thought. He'd been in the hospital for a week now. Nothing has changed. They still don't understand what caused him to get into his coma state. I sigh, wishing I had my best friend back. I lay back in the hospital chair that I've been occupying since he's been here. I slowly fall asleep, wishing I could go back.

Hi y'all. So I wrote another story even tho I can't seem to catch up on the other story. But hope you guys enjoy. Idk where the plot is really going but it will get there. Love, Ashley 😘😚❤️

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