Chapter 2

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Stiles POV
I wake up surrounded by rubble from the car accident. I look at my arms and hands and legs, oddly enough, unscathed. I get up and search the rubble for my phone and and bag. I find my phone a couple yards from the wreck, cracked on the front and back. I see my bag inside the jeep and try to reach in and get it when I get another vision.

I'm driving on a really stormy night. There's lightning and rain. I see something to my left and look. The next thing I know I'm crashing into a tree and everything goes black. My vision ends and I'm left frozen. My visions are happening more and more often. I'm just getting worse. I need to get rid of the triskele. I get my bag from the wrecked jeep and get the triskele out. I throw my bag on the side of the jeep and run into the woods. I'm running and running. Next thing I know, I'm sitting up in a hospital bed. Attached to machines that beep loudly. I look at my surroundings and see a boy. A boy I've seen only in my head. He looks at me, wide eyed.

"Stiles? You're okay." He reaches out to hug me but I flinch back.
I sit back and close my eyes. "This isn't real, Stiles. Just wake up, Stiles. Wake up!" I start muttering and end up screaming. I open my eyes hoping to see the woods or Allison or anything but where I am. Instead I see the same thing as when I woke up. A confused and worried Scott. I look back at him and wonder aloud, "Why the hell is this happening to me?"
He looks at me and says, "What do you mean? You were in a coma after we killed the nogitsune and you've just now woken up. It's been two weeks, Stiles."
I look around, "Where's Allison?" I then remember that I killed her. "No, no, no. Where is she? I need Allison. I need her." I keep yelling that I need Allison when a nurse walks in with a syringe in hand.
"He woke up and didn't remember anything. He's been asking for Allison. Mom... he doesn't remember." Scott says sadly. I remember that in this world Scott and Allison are in love, or were I guess. The nurse, Ms. McCall comes towards me and injects the syringe into my iv.
"This'll help you relax." is all I hear before I slowly fall into my drugged sleep.

I wake up on the floor of the woods. Triskele in hand. I look at it and throw it into the woods as far as I can and run in the other direction. My first thought is Allison. I run and run until I hit her apartment complex. I run in ignoring the calls of the doorman. I hit the number for her floor, three, and press the button until the doors close. I pace the elevator the short ride up. The doors start to open and I run out to her apartment. I knock and knock and knock on the door until she answers the door. She opens the door, confusion and worry written all over her face.
"Stiles are you okay?" She asks worriedly.
I nod and smile and grab her cheek and lean in and kiss her. "Yup. I'm peachy."
I kiss her again and her dad comes to the door and says, "Might I remind you I sell guns for a living." Mr. Argent smiles at me and nods again before saying he's keeping an eye on me. I chuckle. Allison looks up at me, her eyes sparkling. Her brown hair up in an effortless bun. She looks beautiful, I think.

"Did you just come here to disrupt our evening or did you have something to say?" She says teasingly.
I smile and give her a quick peck on the lips. "Just wanted to say hi. Hi." She giggles. We say our goodbyes with another kiss. She closes the door and I head back towards the elevator, not in a hurry like I was before. I reach for my pocket, expecting my phone, but get back something that should have been long gone. The triskele.

🎵Hello, its me🎵 I hope you guys enjoyed this short but important chapter. I think this chapter sets the plot a little bit. When Stiles is sleeping he's in the world he believes is real. The one with Allison as his girlfriend, where his dad is a lawyer, where he has this fantasy world. But when Stiles is awake from his coma he's in the real world. But he thinks he slowly going crazy. I guess we'll see what happens 😝 Love, Ashley ❤️

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