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"There is no point of even continuing, we'll never make it"

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"There is no point of even continuing, we'll never make it"

"Then why did you come along?"

"Because if by some chance we do make it, I want to be seen as the hero"

        "Is that all this is to you?" I spat, spinning around to face him. There was absolutely no way that he just said that. He was sitting down in one of the seats, a pocket mirror was in his hands and he was fixing his hair "You get to play hero, huh? You don't care at all about the people who are dying out there? Dying for you if I may add" I pointed "How do you even sleep at night?"

"I close my eyes and fall asleep" he said simply and returned to the mirror.

        I pressed my lips into a thin line and held in a scream. He was asking to get pushed in the water. It took all my strength to not punch him. I returned back to the wheel and took a deep breath. A large ship was approaching us, it was coming away from Dunkirk. It was filled to the brim with soldiers who looked like they had been through hell.

        I went out to the deck and stood at the edge and watched as the ship passed. Some of the men waved to me. I smiled and returned the wave. That's when I noticed two planes off in the distance, one of them was falling towards the water at a rapid pace.

        Smoke was trailing behind it. I squinted my eyes to get a better look "Oh no" I whispered. The plane was going down fast. I ran back to the wheel and started adjusting the gears so the boat would sail faster.

        "What are you doing?" Arthur steadied himself as the boat lurched forward, sending him slamming into the wall behind him.

"A plane's going down ahead" I informed, pointing out the window.

"Well it's not like you can save them or anything"

"I can try" I didn't look to him.

       "Whoever they are, they're probably already dead" he stood up and walked to me "honey, come on-"

       "Don't talk to me" I ordered, not slowing down. The sound of honey on his lips nearly made me gag. Arthur gave up with a huff and went to the window.

         The plane overhead was flying off in another direction. From here, I could see that the plane was in the water already and was sinking fast. The outline of a body could be seen inside the window, he appeared to be trapped. He was punching at the window above his head "he's- he's trapped!" I yelled, coming closer "I'm coming" I whispered.

        There was no way I could reach whoever it was from the boat so I thought of a plan B. I ran to the cabinets and rummaged through the supplies, hoping to find something useful. A metal hook was buried in the back under some bags. Arthur peered over my shoulder. I pulled out the hook and dashed out to the deck. The boat was approaching the plane which was now completely submerged.

        "What are you going to do? Jump in there and rescue him like a damn life guard?" He joked, crossing his arms.

         I removed my brown jacket, leaving me in my white button up and black slacks. Arthurs jaw dropped "I was joking! Are you out of your mind?!" He yelled, trying to grab me. I stepped up on the edge of the boat, avoiding his grasp.

        I propelled myself into the freezing water and dove down to the plane. My vision was blurry, but the man could be seen. I hooked my foot under the wing of the plane and smashed the sharp end of the hook into the window. My head wasn't below the water so it wasn't hard to accomplish. I shoved the hook into the glass until a big enough hole was created.

        I dipped under and reached my hands in through the glass, shards cut my skin but that hardly mattered. Cold fingers grasped my hands and I immediately hauled him up. He pushed off from the seat of the plane and was able to escape before the vessel sank too deep.

        Together we broke the surface. I rubbed my eyes to see. He coughed up water and took a massive breath. Arthur stood over the ledge of the boat and looked down to us. It took the man a moment to gather his bearings. He wiped his bright blue eyes, and then rubbed his hands over his hair to rid the wet blonde locks from his face. His eyes focused on me.

"Afternoon" he greeted breathlessly.

       "Come on" I tugged on his arm and swam to the back of the boat where the ladder was. He followed behind, his heavy flight suit keeping him from swimming faster.
       I climbed on board and waited for him to come up. He slowly pulled himself up, he shakily stepped onto the hard floor and it took him a moment for him to steady himself. I quickly brought over a blanket from below deck and gave it to him. He hesitated slightly before taking it.

"Are you guys going to kill me?" He asked warily.

       I almost laughed, offering to help take off his heavy gear "Yes, I going to rescue you, give you a blanket, and then kill you" He took the blanket and began to remove his flight suit. I took it and set it down on the floor. Our British flag flew high on the pole at the front of the boat "Do you need anything?" I asked "We have food, water-"

       "Water, please" his eyes softened. I know this is girlish, but he wasn't half-bad looking. I went to the supply cabinet and grabbed two canteens filled with fresh water "Sea water isn't the best drink out there" he said when I returned.

       "I find it's not that bad" I joked with him, feeling comfortable while doing so and handing him both of the canteens "a tad bit salty though" he smiled slightly at that and took a long sip of the water. He had removed the heavy clothing from his suit and wrapped the blanket around his shivering body. I was cold too, but it didn't bother me as much.

      "What are you two doing out here?" He asked after gulping down the entire first canteen of water. He wiped his lip and looked to Arthur.

       "Ask her" Arthur pointed to me and went below deck without another word. The blonde haired man looked back to me with slight confusion.

       I rolled my eyes at Arthur and grabbed a small towel "We're going to Dunkirk" I said "They need our help out there" I looked to the horizon.

       "Very brave of you. I can only assume it was your idea more so than his" he nodded towards Arthur who was already below deck and out of sight. I shrugged, but nodded my head, telling him that his assumption was correct.

"I'm Alice" I introduced and smirked "The pilot saver"

       The man adjusted the blanket over his shoulders "People call me Collins, and I'll have you know darling, I'm a very skilled pilot"

       "Is that why I pulled you out of a sinking plane in the middle of the channel?" I raised my eyebrow, placing my hands on my hips. My clothes were still soaked. His lips curled up in a handsome smile.

"Well, I'm skilled in the air not in the water"

       I laughed and returned to the wheel. He sat in the seats behind me and stared out to the water.

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