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        A/N: Kenneth Branagh as Bolton was probably the best decision ever made in cinema history

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A/N: Kenneth Branagh as Bolton was probably the best decision ever made in cinema history... just my opinion 🤪

Commander Bolton had avoided the bombs that the planes had dropped on them. He got to his feet and looked out to the grey water. His eyes scanned for the white boat. A large vessel was tipping over in the water.

Hundreds of men were jumping from deck and into the water. Oil from the inside was leaking on to the surface of the water. One spark and it would all light up. His blue eyes found the small white boat. People were climbing over the sides to escape the water.

It was filling up fast. The name painted on to the side of the boat was submerged, telling the Commander that the load of people was already too much. Anymore and the boat would sink.

More ships were out there. Some were already at the shore and had started gathering stranded men at the beach. Bolton breathed heavily, fearing that the battle was no where near over. He could see his daughter at the edge of her boat, pulling in more men.

Some climbed up the sides with oil stained skin. The black liquid had spread throughout the water. They scrambled to get in. The sails of the small boat started to tilt. Men stumbled off to the side as the boat began to flip slowly.

"No!" Bolton yelled as the sails hit the water, and everyone on board tumbled into the oil-filled salt water. Alice had vanished in the hoard of men around her. There was nothing he could do but watch in horror and pray for a miracle. He already lost his wife to illness, his daughter should not be next. He gripped the white railing of the pier, not taking his tear-filled eyes off the water in front of him.


"The boat is going to sink, Alice!" Arthur pushed his way through the soldiers on the boat and approached me "You're going to kill us!" He hissed, grabbing my arm.

"I'm trying to save-"

"No, no you aren't saving anyone!" He yelled. Suddenly, a sharp sting came across my cold cheek. He swiped his hand on my face hard, my head snapped back from the force. I brought my hand up to my cheek, my eyes filling with hot tears. Some of the soldiers hollered in protest, coming to my defense immediately. The man with the emerald eyes pushed Arthur.

Another hand appeared from nowhere, socking him across the jaw. Arthur tripped and landed on his ass. Collins stood over him with gritted teeth, anger filled his blue eyes. He was prepared to hit him again, but he lowered his hand back down to his side.

  "You're going to get what's coming to you" he mumbled, stepping away from him. Arthur sniffed and wiped his bloody lip. I was completely embarrassed by him "Are you alright?" Collins came to me, lightly rubbing his soft fingers against my tender cheek "you're okay, right?"

I nodded quickly "We need to get back to work" I placed my hand over his, wanting to hold his hand before it was time to pull apart. He stared at me for a moment before going back to the edge of the boat.

"Wait" Collins paused after he brought in the next soaking wet soldier. His arms were extended at his sides. He seemed to be feeling the loss of balance. I gripped the edge of the boat, knowing what was happening. Men were crawling and holding on to the left side of the boat. The white paint was stained with oil and the top half of the boat was under water.

The floor beneath their feet already had two inches of water over it "Alice!" He yelled my name, taking my hand as the boat tipped to the side. Men yelled and fell with the vessel. I gripped his arm in terror as water took over everything. Bullets pierced the air overhead.

Bombs were exploding all around us. One bomb hit the bow of the boat, sending some people flying through the air. That's where Arthur last was. I found myself under water, several other flailing bodies surrounded me.

Collins hand was pulled from mine. I searched for it through the dark but found nothing but blurriness. Someone was on me, using me as some kind of support float. He was holding me underwater. I pushed against him and swam in another direction.

Finally my head broke the surface and I took a deep breath. Salt water filled my mouth and seeped down my throat. Arthur was the last person on my mind.

"Collins!" I called, searching frantically for his blonde hair "Please don't be dead" I begged, more tears streamed down my wet cheeks "Oh my God" I yelled. A body floated close to me. Blood from his head wounds seeped into the grey water "Arthur" I said his name, pulling the body closer to me.

His body flipped around in the water. The sight of his face made me gag. Half of his body was completely blown away from the explosion. His one red eye was open and staring at the sky. I covered my mouth. Arthur was dead


1939 - Before Dunkirk

"What is this?" I asked, walking through the kitchen of the apartment to Arthur who stood in the living room next to the radio. A letter was in my fingers.

"I don't know, what is that?" He asked, eyeing me.

"I found it in your mail" I slammed it down on the table. He approached me cautiously "A draft letter?" I narrowed my eyes "You were drafted, yet here you are in London?"

Arthur scoffed and headed back to the kitchen. He grabbed the tea kettle and poured himself a steamy cup "With money, you can get out of anything" he didn't look at me.

My eye twitched "My Father is out there right now. He has all the money in the world-"

"That's his job, Alice. He's a commander"

"And you should be a soldier!" I fired back "That's your job. It's my job to be here and look after things while the man is away. I... I can't even look at you right now" I turned away from him and rubbed my face with my hands.

"This is low, Arthur. Very low, you are a coward" suddenly he shoved me from behind. I fell to the ground, landing on my stomach. He towered over me. I quickly scrambled to a sitting position.

"If you ever say anything like that to me again, I'll kill you!" He screeched in my face. I turned my head away, fearing that he will hurt me "Do you understand? I'll kill you Alice!" Then he left me alone on the floor.

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