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September 3, 1939 - About a year before Dunkirk

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September 3, 1939 - About a year before Dunkirk

        "Germany has invaded Poland" Commander Bolton pulled his navy blue uniform out from the wooden wardrobe that morning. The uniform was decorated with many buttons and badges. A navy cap rested on the hook next to the wardrobe.

       Alice Bolton stood in the doorway, looking concerned "England has declared War" he said in a low tone, looking to his twenty-two year old daughter.

       "You're leaving now?" Alice asked in a worried tone as her Father placed his uniform inside the suitcase along with a handful of other clothes.

       "They need all officers" he said simply and zipped up his bag "Those Germans have gone absolutely mad"

"How long will you be gone?" She asked, crossing her arms.

        Commander Bolton sighed "For however long they need me" Alice lowered her eyes to the floor, looking hurt. He pressed his lips into a thin line and lifted up his daughters chin "If the war comes here, darling. I want you to-"

        "Don't tell me to run" Alice cut him off, her blue eyes turning hard. They had the same eye color, same ivory skin. His hair was lighter than hers was "because I won't"

        "You? Run? I'd never think that in a million years" he chuckled "I was going to say you need to protect yourself, and protect others. No matter what, keep fighting, and never quit no matter how bad things get, love. Keep your head high and your fears behind you... and keep my yacht nice" he added.

        Alice laughed, holding back tears. He wrapped her in a hug, rubbing his hand over her hair. She watched him walk down the stairs of their apartment and climb into the ford that would take him to the Navy Base.

       From there he would be sent to the most dangerous parts of the world in order to try and keep the peace. Arthur, her boyfriend, walked up the stairs a few minutes after the car disappeared and entered the apartment. He had a sandwich in his hands "Hope you said goodbye, who knows if he'll ever come back"

       "Why do you have to say shit like that?" Alice said in a monotone as she stayed by the window that looked out to the city street.

"Just saying sweetheart" he shrugged, taking a bite of his food.


1940 - Dunkirk

        We weren't the only boat out here. Mr. Dawson trailed a ways behind us with his son and another boy. A few more ships were around, but I was ahead of most of them. The sun was hidden behind the grey clouds. Sharp wind blew the sails back.

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