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*normal lit style for this chapter with Keith and Shiro at the school*

Keith jumped off his motorcycle when he arrived at North Shore High, seeing Shiro was already there. He ran over to him, "Any sign of him?"

Shiro shook his head, "No, but the door is open. I thought I should wait for you before I went poking around. I don't know this Lance kid. I just know what you all have told me about him. Though Pidge sent me a picture of him so I'd know if I saw him."

Keith nodded and walked to the door, seeing it was slightly open, "I was the last person to hear from him.. That was just around when school let out." he opened the door the rest of the way and stepped inside.

They both had to use their phones to light the way since the hall lights were off. After walking around for a while, Keith decided to call Lance. They followed the sounds of Lance's ringtone all the way to the auditorium.

"Okay, this is starting to feel a little too much like a slasher movie.." Shiro grumbled.

"Shush," Keith whispered before opening the doors to get the auditorium. A blue backpack was just a few feet away from the door. Keith walked to it and saw it had LANCE bedazzled on the front of it. Lance's phone was right next to the backpack, still ringing.

Keith sighed and hung up, "This is his stuff. But he's definitely not here...." he bit his lip and grabbed Lance's things before calling Pidge.

"Did you find his phone?" Pidge asked as she answered the call.

"Yes. But why are you asking for his phone and not him?" Keith asked with a raised eyebrow, not that she could see though.

"I got a text from his sister again just before you called. He's home now. All I know is that he's really shaken up right now. She didn't tell me anything else."

Keith sighed, "Okay, thanks for telling me. I'm glad he's safe. Can I stop by your place and give you his stuff?"

She chuckled a bit, "Why don't you give it to him yourself. He's just down the street from me anyways."

"Because if he's shaken up I'm sure he doesn't need his new internet friend randomly showing up on his doorstep. Or have you forgotten me and Lance haven't ever met face to face before?"

"Okay, fair enough. Come over whenever. But don't ring the doorbell, just text me. Mom is already asleep." she hung up on him.

Keith sighed and looked at Shiro, "Thanks for coming with me, even if it was a total waste of your time.."

They started to leave the school together, "It's not a big deal. You're my friend. And I'm sure you'd do the same if I had a friend in danger and needed some backup."

Keith nodded, "Yeah... I hope he's okay. All Pidge said was that he's shaken up..."

Shiro looked at him, "You really like him, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, he's my friend." Keith rolled his eyes a bit.

Shiro chuckled, "That's not what I meant Keith.." They walked out of the school.

Keith blushed and looked up at him, "I barely know him, Shiro. I just met him a couple weeks ago."

"You're falling hard and fast. I can tell.. Pidge says she can see it in him too. You like each other, that's not a bad thing. Take some more time to get to know each other.. Then you'll start to see it too.." Shiro chuckled as he walked over to his car, "Goodnight, Keith. Good luck."

Keith blushed still and went to his motorcycle, quickly heading over to Pidge's. He gave her the bag and told her the phone was in the side pocket. She told him she didn't have any news on Lance. So he went home, his ringer on high as he waited for someone to tell him if Lance was alright or not.

"I do like him a bit more than a friend.."

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