Its a date (CB)

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I walked into my first day of senior year. Only one more year of this hell hole. But, I wanna get the courage to finally tell Corbyn Besson how I feel about him. Ever since the 7th grade I've had feelings for him.
Skip to last class
Corbyn and I basically have all of our classes together. It actually really weird but, it was 7th period Calculus. We sat away from each other to begin with but, soon the teacher assigned seats. Guess who's together.
I grab my backpack and move away from my friends.
I walk over to see him with a huge grin on his face.
"You know that if you smiled more you'd look prettier." My stomach sank as he said that.
He doesn't think I'm pretty.

"But, you are gorgeous without one as well." I replied with a quick 'thank you' but, my cheeks where burning. I felt actually sick. I raised my hand hoping I could just leave.

"Hey Ms.Y/L/N?"

"I'm not feeling to good can I please be excused?"
She nodded her head as I proceeded out the door.
I could here footsteps behind me. I heard a faint
"Hey Y/N you forgot your phone."
I stopped to let him catch up to me. With a heavy breathing pattern he mumbled
"Here and I you have my number right?"

"No I don't." I shot back because I always got to him through dm's or snapchat. Never text.

"Well I can give it to you." He says with his hands in his pocket

"Sure." I said

"You know what we should hang out." He said without warning while putting his number in my phone

"Yeah definitely! This weekend?"

"Its a date." He says as we both smile and walk away.
Did that just really happen

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