: Part 22

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Rayan' Pov ...

Soon As I Got Off The Bus , I Quickly Ran To My House And Unlocked The Door Then Ran Inside Closing The Door Behind Me . I Ran Upstairs To See If The Kids were In their Room , i Hope They Are .

" Kids ? " I said While Opening Up Their Room Door , they were nowhere to Be Found .

I Tugged On My Braids And Starting Running Around the House and Checking up Under Everything . Behind Doors , the closet , Their Lil Play House , and Everything Else .... But still .... They were still nowhere to be found .... I Sat Down On the Couch And Started biting At My nails , I really hope nun Bad Happen to them , wait ! What of Chilli has them ! I think she Has them So Ima Just calm down , everything is going to be ok Ray . Chilli has the kids , I Lay Back on the Couch and turned on the tv .

45 Minutes Later ....

Chilli's Pov ...

Soon As I Pulled Up Into the Drive Way , I Grabbed My Things And Got Out The Car , Closing the Door And Locking It Up Behind Me . I Sped Walk To The Door , The door Was Unlocked Which Was Weird . I Slowly Walked In And Found Ray Sitting On The Couch Watching Tv And Laughing Like Usual .

" Ray Where Are the Kids ? "

Ray Didnt Say Anything ...

" Ray ... "

He Still Didnt Answer . I walked Over To The Tv And Turned It off , He Finally Said Some.

" Hey !! My show is on " He Whined

" Where are The Kids Rayan ? "

Ray Chuckled

" Whats Funny ? Im Serious Ray "

" Its Funny Cause I Thought You Had Them "

" If I Did You would Of Seen Them Running Upstairs To Their Room "

" Well .... " Ray rubbed the Back Of His Neck And Looked Away " Idk Babe ... "

" Ray ? Ray ? .... Rayan!!! "

" ..... "

I Walked Up To Ray and Grabbed His Face Turning His Attention Back To me " Dont Play With Me Rayan , Where Are They ? "

Ray Shrugged " Idk Babe ... I Thought U had Them Cause Soon As I Came Home They Were Nowhere To Be Found , I Looked Everywhere Babe I Swear "

I Slowly Let go Of Ray's Face And Turned Away , Ran Up The Stairs And Started crying My Eyes Out. I Cant Believe My babies Are Gone , I Really Hope they Are Ok , I Just Wish They Were Here .

Back To Rayan's Pov ....

Wow ! I Cant Believe This Shit ... First Time We... I Mean " I" Ever Lost The Kids . Im A bad Parents .

I Slowly Got Up And Went Into The Kitchen And Grabbed A Bottle Of Whiskey . I went Back Into The Living Room and Sat down While Opening Up The Whiskey . I Chugged Down A Few Sips And Sat The Bottle Down on The Coffee Table . I Dont What To D-- .....

- Prince Figure Shows Up -

" Rayan ? "

" .... "

" Rayan ... "

" ...... "

" Rayan If You Dont Answer Me right Now Ima Slap Them Pony Tails Off Yo Head " Prince Yelled

" Nahhh Man Chill " I Shook My Head

" Then Answer Me Next Time I Call Yo name , Hell I Aint Chilli I'll Fuck You Up "

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