Lemonade and Flights

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Chapter 11

Joshua POV

"We're moving back to California. The same neighborhood but different house."

"WHAT?!" I said in shock but at the same time I was somewhat happy? I sat myself in living room, while my mom sat next to me.

"What do you mean what? Aren't you excited to go back?" By the look of her face my mom looked rather disappointed at my reaction to the news.

Though, I felt all these different emotions about moving. Happy, excited, nervous?


"Hold on to your answer Josh, the movers are here!" She got up and opened the door.

From where I was sitting, I can see there was this middle-aged man dressed in navy along with his helpers.

"Joshua, can you please make some lemonade for the movers! Thank you!" she said then continued to talk to the middle-aged man.

I stood up then to go to the kitchen to prepare the refreshing beverages. I grabbed a few plastic cups since all our glass cups are in the boxes.

Hmm this is why my mom didn't tell me until moving day... which is today. She probably knew I was going to freak out?

I start cutting the lemons and squeeze them into the pitcher. The movers were coming in and out with the boxes in their hands. Then I finished.

A few hours passed of moving multiple boxes, the movers took a break and drank the lemonade I made for them earlier.

"So, about that answer of yours?" my mom comes up to me.

"How do you really feel huh?" I looked at the almost empty living room and thought for a moment.

"Honestly mom, I feel a lot of different emotions. Mostly positive." I replied.

"Interesting, I'm glad you have a positive outlook to it. I raised you right, my son haha." She chuckled then hugged me and I did the same.

We broke the hug, "You should go pack some of your things, okay?" she said.

"Okay mom." I went to my room and boxed some things. Ten minutes pass then my mom came in.

"Hey quick question!" my mom peeks her head in my room. "Yes?" I responded while I packed some of my stuff.

"Are you excited to see Nari?"

Once I heard those words come out of her mouth, I froze. I forgot... about Nari. That thought didn't cross my mind. Just thinking about it makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Umm ah I don't know??" I said in a questionable way. Then my dad comes in the room.

"Oh, hey son! So you heard? You excited to see Nari!?" he said also peeping into my room. I laid on my back and just gave up.

"Mom... dad... can I be alone for a bit, please." I said while looking at the ceiling.

"Oh, okay we'll just shut the door and leave you to your packing." My mom said then closed the door.

I continued my packing my almost empty room and opened a drawer that had a bunch of sheet music. I looked through the drawer and saw poorly written music. After moving to Korea, I remember making music for Nari so I can show her. I smiled.

I gathered the white sheet music and put them into one of the boxes. I think about earlier how my parents were asking me if I felt excited to see Nari.

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