Secret Princess chapter Twenty6

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Benjamin's Pov.

Stopping in the woods close by to where Briella is, transforming to my human form putting my jeans on then slipping on my t-shirt

Walks over to Briella not caring who I have to bump into in order to get to her, slows down when I see the look of hatred lingering in her eyes

Having a slightly bad feeling when I see it since it isn't really her

"Briella!" I call out to her as I start walking back to her once again

Knowing she must be deep in thought since she still hasn't even noticed me coming to her yet, or so I thought

Because once I got to her, the craziest thing happened and a little bit stupid on my part though.

Lightly placing my hands on her shoulders in a comforting gesture, not expecting anything to happen

But the next thing I knew I was on my back against the ground and my wrists hurt like hell

Yeah that's right, I got flipped by my own soon to be princess without even noticing it would happen in the first place

Briella's Pov.

I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn't place the name of the person in my head. Once they touched me I practically snapped right then and there, and flipped them over on to the their back

Feeling a little satisfied as I hear a male groan in pain

Slowly snaps out of it as I see Ben laying on the ground "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry ben I was about my parents and when you touched me I thought you were the one who killed my parents" I say softly

Ben slowly sits up and pulls me into his arms knowing I am practically gonna break any moment

Tears let go the very moment my head goes onto his chest "Shh let it out" He whispers into my ear, running his fingers through my hair comforting me "Just let it go princess"

"My parents... my home... my memories... they are all gone ben" I whisper as my voice cracking with every word

"No they are not Briella" I hear someone say, and it is very clear that it isn't Ben

Slowly lifts my head from Ben's chest and my eyes widen slightly as I see who is standing there, almost like the first time we met

"What are you doing here?" Ben asked him holding me closer

"Saw the news and wanted to see how Briella is doing with all this" He says looking between Ben and I


Who do you think it is?

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