Part 4 (Alternative)

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This chapter was going to be short, but it ended up not being short. The first half is different from my usual stuff. But here it is the final (maybe) part of I Didn't Mean It (Alternate Storyline).


Former member of Fifth Harmony, Lauren Jauregui returns to music after a year break. Read Lauren's first interview since leaving Fifth Harmony below.

Interviewer: Lauren, How are you doing today?

Jauregui: I'm good, thank you.

Interview: So it's been a year since you've sang anything, since you've released anything, how does it feel to be back?

Jauregui: It's different. I mean, I remember the feeling of being in the studio, of the whole process, but it's just different. I was in a girl group before, now I'm just me. It's going to be different either way.

Interviewer: You disappeared to take some time to yourself, do you think things are different now?

Jauregui: Of course it's going to be different. I'm not the same girl that started out in this business. Things happened, and I had to grow up. I had to take time to take care of myself. What I went through, I'm not the only one. And it changes people.

Interviewer: How different will your new music be from the things you've done before?

Jauregui: When I was singing with other girls, the songs we made had to fit all of us. It had to be a genre that all of us could excel in. Now, I do music that will fit me.

Interviewer: Talking about the other girls, they also changed up their music, have you heard any of their things?

Jauregui: Of course I did. My leaving the band was something we all believed should happen. I support them in every way I can, and their new music is great. It's more them.

Interviewer: No one, except you girls, know why you decided to leave, and I'm not going to ask why, but was it mutual?

Jauregui: As I said earlier, it was the right thing to do with the circumstances. The girls have their careers, and I couldn't be a part of it. I wasn't in the right head space. There was so much going on with me, that I had to leave.

Interviewer: And your song, Alive, can you tell us about it?

Jauregui: Yes, so this song helped me early on in my healing process. And if you don't know, last year, I was- I was attacked sexually. And I ended up pregnant as a result. Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. Because of this and other reasons, I left Fifth Harmony for myself. I had to heal, I had to let go of all the hurt I felt. So I started writing. Alive was the first song I wrote. I wrote because I was alive. So much happened, and I made it out of it okay. I survived, and I'm not giving up. I could have easily stopped making music, stopped singing, but I'm not going to let him win. I'm going to live and be happy for myself.

Interviewer: After all the hate you received on social media, you chose to come back, why?

Jauregui: Not everyone gave up on me. Within all that hate, there were a few that still believed in me. Hate should never win. Hate should never stop anyone from doing what they love. I'm not going to let hate win. I know people will twist my words, they will say things to try to hurt me, but I'm not going to let them. I'm going to keep singing for me, for those fans that never gave up on me, for those who went through what I went and are surviving. This is for us.

Interviewer: Last question, could there be a collaboration with Fifth Harmony?

Jauregui: At this moment, no. I want to concentrate on my own career. But maybe in the future.

Interviewer: Thank you for speaking to us.

Jauregui: Thank you for having me.

Lauren Jauregui's Alive is out now. Proceeds will go to RAINN, an anti-sexual violence organization.

Camila closed the article, and smiled. It had been a year since she saw Lauren. It had been a year since Lauren said she couldn't be in Fifth Harmony, and the other four girls accepted that fact.

But it still hurt, knowing that Camila shattered Lauren's heart into tiny pieces. Camila could never forgive herself for what she did. But she knew letting Lauren go was best for the older girl.

She took out her phone and looked at Lauren's number. Her finger hovered over the call button.

"Mila? It's almost time to go out," Dinah said, looking at her older friend.

Camila looked up, a small smile on her face. "Be there."

Camila left her contacts and entered her Twitter. (After Lauren left Fifth Harmony, the hate on social media got worse, before mellowing out.)

I'm proud of you. Hope one day we can move forward and be what we once were.

She smiled, sending out that tweet.


Lauren saw what Camila had tweeted out. She, along with a lot of other people, know who that was for.

Lauren closed her app, looking up at the woman sitting in front of her.

"Are you going to forgive them?" the woman said, clipboard at hand. (Lauren had started going to therapy to deal with the emotions of what she went though. She had gotten better, but her management wanted her to have another session after her first interview.)

Lauren looked at her phone. "I do. I don't think we'll ever go back to how we were, and I don't think I can ever trust them again, but I did love them. We were in it together, and I can't forget that. But it's been a year, and I can't let go of my hurt if I hold on to the anger."

"And Camila? Do you think you'll ever start a relationship with her again?"

"No. I can be friends with her, but it will never be anything more. When she hurt me, it destroyed me, and I can't go through that again."

"How does it feel, being back in the spot light? You do know everyone will be watching you, right?"

Lauren nodded her head. "I'm ready. I want to show everyone who I am. I want them to know that I am stronger than I was before. I want girls and boys to look up to me. I want them to watch."

Lauren's therapist smiled. "You'll take them by storm."

Lauren looked down at her phone. She nodded her head. "I'm doing what I love, nothing and no one will stop me."


This may be the official ending. I don't know. I like how it came out, but I don't know if I should add a part of the five girls actually talking things out. (Lauren won't be rejoining 5H though). What do you guys think?

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