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"I lost my color." Eliza said sadly. She stared at herself.

"Yes. You did." Angelica agreed with the obvious statement. "When you shook hands with Maria, your color faded."

"What does this mean?" Eliza was still confused.

"I'm not really sure. I should text John to see if Alexander still has his color." Angelica was concerned for her sister. She took out her phone and started typing.

Angelica: Heyyyy John. Can you check on Alex?

Angelica: it's for science.

John: Sure.

John walked over to Alex's room. He peered through the doorway and saw Alex asleep under his blankets. Wait. He had no color. How did he loose it? Is this what Angelica wanted to know?

John: He has no color. Is that what you needed to know?

Angelica: Okay yeah thank u. I can tell you everything tomorrow. Take care boo

John: ?????? Luv ya

The conversation ended with John having no clue on why Alex was black and white again. John approached Alexander on his bed, you know, for a better look of his color. His skin was no longer the peachy color it used to be. His hair was no longer the dark, chocolatey color it used to be. His skin was gray and his hair was pitch black now. His eyes were... Wait. His eyes? Alexander was awake.

"What the shit, John?" Alex said, drowsiness present in his voice.

"Sorry, Angelica told me to check on you. It smells like shit in here, you should, you know, take a shower." John was trying really hard to be smooth.

"Why would Angelica want you to check on me?" Alex raised his brow and started to sit up.

"She wouldn't even tell me." John shrugged and walked out of the room.

Alex did as John told him and took a shower. He really did smell bad. His hygiene was never the best since it was difficult to get the habit of ritual cleaning.

Off, over in the Schuyler residence, the sisters were still panicking on why Eliza became colorless when she shook hands with Maria.

"Do you think you should text her?" Peggy asked, she was worried.

"I could. But, what would I say?" Eliza really didn't know what to do.

"I'm not sure. Eliza, I think she's your soulmate." Angelica dropped some heavy-ass news with that sentence.

"What? But what about Alexander? Did he lose his color too?" Eliza was very empathetic towards Alexander.

"According to John, Alex is black and white again." Angelica explained calmly.

"So he's lost his color, too. But why is Maria my soulmate? I thought you could only have one. This means I have to talk to Alexander, but we have to figure out what that means." Eliza was in shock that this had happened from a handshake.

"I'm already on it." Peggy said firmly, as she began to type furiously at her computer. After a minute or so, Peggy spoke up again. "I found something!"

"What is it?" Angelica asked while walking over to the table Peggy was at.

"So it seems that when you have a soulmate and color and then you see your other soulmate, you are instantly drawn to them. The second soulmate is usually more compatible with you. When you are speaking to your second soulmate, you want to talk to them always. It says that it happens with every two out of a hundred people." Peggy read the article she found aloud.

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