New beginning

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Hermione's point of view

Everything was black, I felt pressure on all sides as if someone were trying to force me into a small hole. For a second I couldn't breathe, then I opened my eyes and found myself coming face to face with the Burrow.

Through the kitchen window I could see Mrs. Weasley sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet, a cup of tea in her hand. The building itself looked like it could fall over any second, almost as if it were being held up by magic. Lights were on in the living room and I could hear faint laughter emitting from house. Smoke rising from one of the many chimneys, created an image in my head of the whole family sitting, laughing, and talking around the room. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley on the loveseat, Harry in one of the plush chairs with Ginny curled up to his legs on the floor, Bill and Fleur smiling at little Victoire who would be four or five by now, George with Angelina, Percy, and Ron. Is it wrong of me to hope that Ron would still be single? That he has just waited for me?

I shake the thoughts out of my head as I walk up to the front door. My hand shaking, I fist my right hand and knock three times. I hear footsteps along with the sound of a woman's voice.

When the door opened, a small plump woman came out, having red hair and a huge warming smile on her face, I couldn't mistake her for anyone else. Even after all this time.

I stand in the doorframe for what seems like an eternity. She looks me up and down, almost as if not daring to believe I'm here. Recovering from her moment of bewilderment, she grabs my arm and pulls me into one of her famous motherly hugs, that makes you feel as if you've been a part of her family your whole life.

"Hermione, it's wonderful to see you dear. We've missed you. ALL of us." I couldn't help but notice the not-so-subtle emphasis on 'ALL'.

"I've missed you guys as well. Really." A lump started forming in the back of my throat at these words.

Looking around, properly, I take in my surroundings as if seeing them for the first time. A grandfather clock sat on the wall near the entrance to the kitchen. The long wooden table was put right in the middle of the kitchen with table settings sitting at each chair. The sink was right in front of a window looking out at a field where Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George used to play quidditch. Then, of course, there was special clock that had eight heads, each head having a picture of the immediate Weasley family, and pointing to things like, traveling, home, and work.

I looked up at Mrs. Weasley, who was standing near the tea kettle, looking at me. "I'm sorry to just show up like this. I'm guessing you know what happened the other day?"

"Don't be silly, you'll always be welcome here." She gave me a reassuring smile that made me feel somewhat better.

I smile at her in return, as she waved her wand at the cabinet, causing a white ceramic mug to come flying down beside the kettle which was now whistling.

"And yes, Ron did tell us what happened." It took everything in me not to start crying. I needed everyone to know how sorry I am, how much I've missed them. Nothing had been the same since I left. No matter how much I loved my new life, I can't help but feel a gaping hole in me that can only be filled by this family.

As if repeating my thoughts Mrs. Weasley said, "It hasn't been the same without you."

I took the warm mug out of her hands, taking a sip, I let the warm liquid slide down my throat, filling me up.

"Would you like to talk?"

I looked over my shoulder, at the living room, where I supposed Ron was, laughing with his family, not knowing anything, what-so-ever, about my presence.

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