Good Morning

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I awoke the next morning, finding myself still on the hard floor with Ron, my head on his shoulders, his arm around my waist.

The morning light shown through the window, creating a spotlight in the middle of the room. It looked to be around seven o'clock. Beside me, Ron stirred in his sleep. I could hear his steady breathing, his breath blowing on my hair slightly. I felt a comfort I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt safe, wanted, even loved.

I sat, watching him. The rising and falling of his chest, the way his hair looked perfect even though he had been sleeping for hours. I watched as his blue eyes fluttered open, and once again I got completely lost.

"Morning 'Mione."

"Morning." I whispered.

The sun was slowly starting to make its way across the room, lighting it up making it glow ever so slightly. We could hear birds outside, singing a sweet tune, greeting the morning.

"We should probably go before your mum comes down." I said.

We barely made it across the room before we heard an all too familiar voice.

"Ron? Hermione? When did you guys get here? And Where's Ginny?" She said, pulling us both into huge hugs.

"Hi mum. Harry and Ginny actually left last night and Hermione and I..." he trailed off, cheeks turning pink.

Mrs. Weasley gave us a knowing look and smiled. "Well, it's wonderful to see you two. Are you leaving right away?"

"I have to get to work soon so I'll be going. It was lovely seeing you." I said hugging her and Ron then leaving.

Harry's point of view

Ron was late, again. It was the fifth time this month that I was going to have to cover his sorry arse.

I decided that we needed to get a good group together to start on this Lanner case. Robert, the head Auror, put me in charge of the case. So, I needed Ron to move his lazy arse and get here so we could start looking for this creep.

Making my way down to the conference rooms, I noticed it was quiet. Almost too quiet for the Auror department. I walked into the first conference room to get ready to start the meeting, and instead of seeing an empty table, I saw six people crowding around a large circular table, all looking at maps and graphs.

"Ah Potter, nice of you to join us." Robert said, looking up from the map, that I guessed was of muggle London. I could see Ron smirking as he tried to, not-so-subtly, drop his head lower to the map.

"I thought we weren't meeting until nine o'clock." My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, well, Weasley thought it was good idea for us to get a head start on the case."

"I got here and sent a patronus, did you not get it?" Ron asked, fake innocence plastered all over his face.

"I must have missed it. Anyway, what have you got so far?"

"Well we know that he lives somewhere in muggle London." A woman, who I've worked on a few other cases with, named Kelsey Landen said.

"Do we have a physical description?" Robert asked.

I looked over at Ron who was already casting a summoning charm, making the boards, with all of the pictures, graphs, and information we've collected, zoom into the room.

I walked over to the boards, in the front of the room, and started trying to piece together all the information.

"Alright, so our goal right now is to find out his pattern. Once we do that, we can start staking out the place and areas around it." I said.

"We also need to make sure to keep an eye out every time we are at Diagon Alley." Ron finishes for me.

"I've got to go help Kingsley with something. This is all you Potter." Robert said as he walked towards the door.

"You too Weasley." He added before shutting the door behind him.

It was hours into the day. Coats were now discarded onto chairs, hairs were sticking out of place, and it was beginning to feel very stuff. '

"Alright, Richards, Harris, and Landed, I want you guys to go into Diagon Alley tomorrow. Then Harry and I will trade days with you the rest of the week." Ron told them.

I was really proud of him. He's been stepping up to the plate lately and I'm pretty sure that he could get the promotion.

Ron looked at me, as if asking for my opinion on the matter. I nodded my approval and then continued.

"Porter and Matthews," Their heads shot up towards me, looking expectant, "we need someone back here to keep a track on his movements and anything else we can get on him."

Their faces fell slightly, making me feel a bit guilty. I remembered being in their position, a few years back, when we were just getting started as Aurors. Well, we did need someone back here working on files.

"So that's all for now. You can all go back to your own offices."

The sound of chairs scraping the floors filled the room, followed by footsteps heading out the door.

"What's with you getting here so early? What happened to 'I like sleeping better'?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

Immediately, a bright shade of pink began growing on his cheeks, causing me to raise my eyebrows even more.

"I just got a very good alarm clock." With that, he gathered up his papers and slipped out the door. But not before I could pick out the very distinct grin on his face that seemed to be plastered there with a permanent sticking charm. 

Hiya! It's Lilly here! 

I'm so so so sorry about how short this chapter is. I haven't been writing a lot lately and I wanted to get something up for you guys. My schedule is all messed up because of school so I won't be able to write everyday now. :( But i'm still going to try to get at least one update a week. It's not much but at least it's something right? 

So I'm thinking of starting a one-shot series. What do you guys think? Let me know. It will most likely be Romione but it may be Jily too. 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it!




Until next time my potterheads! <3



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