Chapter two

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The pups,Ryder and Katie have been look for the cats forever."Ryder!I found Callie!Shes stuck in the tree!"Skye said."Wow Skye.I would have never guessed she was up there."Chase said.

"Marshall your ladder."Ryder said.Marshall drove over to the tree and raised his ladder up.He climbed up the ladder and grabbed callie."Woa!Callie i cant see!"Marshall said.Callie was holding on to Marshalls face causing him to not be able to see so he started wobbling off the ladder."Marshall!"Everest shouted worried."Arfff!Net"Chase said.He caught Marshall and Callie with the net before letting them out and sneezing.

He let them out and Everest and Katie let out a sigh of relief."Thanks Chase."Marshall said."Well.Lets go."Ryder said.

They walked more looking for the kittens.they went on Jakes mountain and saw a orange kitten across the cold icey water."How dit he get over there?"Skye asked.

"I have no idea.But you should probably go ovrr and get it Skye."Ryder said."Ok."She said.She started to fly to it and a eagle chirp scared her.She tried to fly away from the eagle but the eagle ran into the copter and she fell in the water.

"SKYE!!!"Chase yelled running up to the water.He looked in the water and kept yelling Skye's name.Ryder called Zuma and he was on the way.

Chase was now bawling in tears.(Awww he's worried!!)Zuma arrived and got in the water with his hover craft."Skye!!!!!"Chase shouts.Chase jumped in with Zuma to look for Skye.Ryder called his name but he kept swimming until he found Skye in her copter."Chase!Zuma!I cant get unbuckled!!!!"Skye said shaking in coldness.Chase swam down to her and tried to unbuckle her but the seatbelt was jammed.

"Ill be right back!"Chase said still crying but Skye couldnt notice cause he was under water.He swam to the shore fast.

"Ryder!Her seatbelt is jammed!We need Rockys screw driver!!!!"Chase said.(I use exclemation marks too much)Ryder called Rocky to come down and Chase swam back to Skye seeing Zuma trying to unbuckle her."Ryders calling Rocky."Chase said.

Ryders POV
I called Rocky as soon as Chase said."Green means go!"Rocky said before running out.

(Back to chase.)

Chase and Zuma just kept trying to help her.It was extremly cold down there but Chase didnt care.He had to sace the love of his life.

Just then Rocky swam down seeing Skye and the boys."Screw driver!"He shouts.He swam to Skye as Chase and Zuma move to the side for Rocky.Rocky poked the screwdriver inbetween the buckles and pulled it apart freeing her.But she didnt get up.

Chase swam over and saw her eyes closed."Skye!"Chase shouted.He rapped his paws around her and pulled her to shore.He made sure she was breathing and she was.

"Marshall!Get blankets!"Ryder said.Marshall went to get some blankets and covered her up with a bunch.They also started making hot milk for when she woke up.

"Pups were going to have to stay the night and look more tomorrow.So i brought tentd blankets and sleeoing bags."Ryder said.They all agreed and set up it all.Except for one pup.

"Chase.You ok?"Ryder asked.He stood by Skye and started to cry."No."Chase said."Chase.Shell be ok."Ryder said."Hopefully."Chase said.

"Chase.I know shes hurt but you seem more sad about this then me and the pups and Katie.Whats going on?"Ryder asked.Chase sighed."I dont know.I need sleep."Chase said.Ryder nodded and walked around setting everything up for the night.

They layed down in a circle.All except for Skye and Chase."Chase.Are you ok?"Marshall asked.He shook his head no."Chase you seem more upset."Everest said.Marshall nodded."I dont feel like talking right now.Im sorry."Chase said."Well just i wanna sleep next to her tonight to look out for her."Chase said."Ok.Heres you sleeping bag and stuff."Ryder said.He layed gown next to Slye and put hugged her crying."Chase what is up with you.You are upset more than we are."Marshall asked."FINE FINE FINE FINE ILL TELL YOU!I LOVE SKYE.I LIKE HER I LOVE HER I NEED HER I WANT HER AND I DONT WANT TO LIVE WITHOUT HER!!!WHAT IF SHE DROWENED.WHAT IF SHES DEAD.I JUST HATE THE SIGHT OF HER BEING HURT!!!!!!!!!!"Chase shouted.Marshall sad down looking at his paws."Im sorry."He said.

Chase sighed calming down."No its ok.Im just in love with her and i dont want to lose her."Chase sighed.Just then Skye started coughing and spitting out water.Chase and the rest snapped there heads at her.Skyes eyes were open and she was smiling but shocked."Skye?Your ok!"Chase said."Yes and im in love with you too."She said and kissed his cheek.Chase blushed.

"How am I out?"She asked."Chase Zuma and Rocky helped."Everest said."Thankyou all."She said."So Skye.....will you be my girlfriend?"Chase asked."Yes.I do."Skye said.

I hope you enjoyed tge story.Did you?Yay or nay?Next chapter coming soon!!!!

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