Chapter Seven

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The pups saw the whole scene in the tree house and shouted.!YESSS!"All except for Tracker.

Marshall and Everest looked up and laughed."No but really.Why do you like me?"Marshall asked."Your so cute.The beautiful white fure is like snow.The black spots add like paint splatter checkerboard look.Your blue eyes are like looking into a circle of ocean water and i get lost in them like ive never seen eyes.Your always trying to make a joke to make everyone happy when you trip and knock them down.You have funny moments and you dont even try nor do you know your being funny.Your super brave and you put other people first before you.Thats why I love you."Everest answered.Marshall blushed redder then his fire truck.

Everyone ooohed and awwwed.They went back Tracker still limping from Marshall beating him to death.Marshall smirked."Tracker.Just know this isnt over.This is just the begining."Marshall said.Tracker tried to push him but squinted when he moved.

Marshall laughed."Marshall.I know Tracker deserved it sorta but hmhe still needs to heal.But to makeup for it hes grounded."Ryder said."WHAT!?"Tracker shouts "Sorry tracker.But we dont do violence unless its defending yourself or someone else."Ryder said.

Tracker rolled his eyes."Ugh.Whatever."He said.Marshall smirked."Back to truth or dare Eve?"Marshall asked Everest.She blushed at the nickname."Sure Marsh."She said back.Now it was Marshalls turn to blush.

They went back to camp and the rest of the pups fought Humdinger and Sweetie.After that they got in the circle.

"Since the last one didnt go to a cirtain pup ill spin."Ryder said.He spun and it landed on Marshall."Marshall.Truth or dare?"Ryder asked.

"Truth."Marshall said."Whats the most childish thing you still do?"He asked.Marshall blushed."I still have a teddy bear."Marshall mumbled.
"Awww!"Everest said."Thats cute!"Everest said."Thanks."Marshall said releived.

Tracker started laughing.Everyone stared."What?!"Marshall asked."You still have a teddy bear?!Aww do you need your baby bottle?!"Tracker said."No thanks.But ill ask in return.Do you need your mouth washed?"Marshall asked.

"I I I-"Tracker stuttered."Ha!"Rubble laughed."Pawsome one!"Skye said."Burrrn!"Chase said."Oh you towld him!"Zuma said.

"Ooooh!"Rocky said."Great one Marsh."Everest said."Thanks Eve."He said.

Marshall spun and it landed on Tracker.Marshall smirked evily and Trackers eyes widened."I dare you to let someone put lotion and Wipped cream in a your fur."Marshall said."Oh but with a twist.You cant wash till the end of the game!"Marshall said.

"Oooh!"Everest said.Marshall looked over at Everest and kissed her forehead."NO!!!!!"Tracker said.

"Karma Tracker.Oh the karma."Marshall said."Look!Ill say it!I did not mean to hurt you!I didnt mean to pounce on you.Ya happy?!"Tracker yelled.

"Nope.Cause I know your lying.Plus its not what you did to me.Its what you did to Eve."Marshall said."Ugh!Fine!"Tracker said.

Zuma got the supplies."Ready?"Zuma asked.All the pups said yes exceped Tracker."Alright."Zuma said putting the Whipped cream first."Yuuuuck!"Tracker said.Then Rocky out the Lotion in."Aaaaah!"Tracker screamed.

The pups all laughed."Since Trackers grounded hes only sloud to have dares.He cant give them So ill spin again."Ryder said.He spun.

The bottle landed on Chase."Chase.I dare you to take Skye on a date."Ryder said.

(Shoutout to Panchitokiller for the dare)

"Easy!"Chase said.He spum the bottle and it landed on Marshall."Truth or dare?"Chase asked."Truth."Marshall said."Who would you rather make out with?"He asked."Easy!Eve!"He said.

Everest smiled.Marshall spun and it landed on Tracker."Tracker.I dare you to let me tape you to the tree for the next three rounds."Marshall dared.

Tracker rolled his eyes knowing he wont get past the dare."Fine."He said.Marshall ductaped Tracker to the tree the reast laughing there tails off.

"Again.Karma."Marshall said when he was done.He laughed and Everyone highpawed him but Everest kissed him.

The bottle spun to Chase again."Chase.Truth or dare?"Ryder asked."Dare."Chase said."I dare you to slap your tail while humming a song until someone guesses the song."Ryder said.Evereyone tryed not to laugh."Oh no."Chase said."Sorry its a dare."Ryder said.Chase started to do as told.

(This is the song he hums.)

"OOOH!Perfect two from Auburn!!!"Skye said.He stopped and nodded as she was trying so hard to not laugh but failed as well as the rest.

So i hope you liked that.Did you?Thankyou guys for the ideas and support.Bye till in a few

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