Chapter nine

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Tracker was on the floor in the lookout thinking of revenge for Marshall and Everest.Especially Everest.He kept thinking until his head hurt.
Thats when he finally got an idea.For both.He smirked evily and ran to where Everest and Marshall were."Oh.How cute!You two hwve your own little hangout place."Tracker said."Yea.Unlike you cause nobody wants to hangout fith a jerk."Marshall said."Well Ryder wants th idiotic Marshall."He said."Me?Stupid?Noyou got it all wrong.Im not the one here making everypups ears bleed because of my deadly filthy lies."Marshall said."Whatever dimwit.Ryder needs you."Tracker said.Marshall rolled his eyes and went to Ryder.

"Hey Ryder.Tracker told me you wanted me?"Marshall asked Ryder who was playing on his pup pad."Huh?No.I didnt call fir anyone."Ryder said."Oh.Um.Ok."Said the confused dalmation ask he walked out.Just then he hered a familiar pup yelping.It made him freeze.Whats happening with Everest?!

Meanwhile what Tracker was doing

"So Tracker.Hows the karma goin?Dose it burn like you burn pups/peoples souls?"Everest asked.Tracker growled."Listen sass paws.You may think you have everything now but just wait.Your life will be MISERABLE!"Tracker yelled."Oh i'd like to see the week chiuauah try."Everest said.Tracker was now boiled with anger.Nopup talked to him like that."YOULL REGRET TALKIMG LIKE THAT!!!!"Tracker warned.Everest just started laughinghystericall Well,that was before Tracker pushed her to a wall and started attacking her.

She started screeching,yelping-and crying hysterically.Marshall rushed up and boiled with rage and anger when he saw this.He felt like somepup just pulled him back and dropped him down the tree.He felt a bunch of anger and rage fill his lungs,vains and nervs.

He ran over and did a cartwheel over Tracker and Everest as he took the video for proof.He kicked Tracker off and pushed him to the ground holding him down.

"Ryder-please are you there?Come in."Marshall said as Tracker tried to cover his mouth to stop but he pushed his paw down."Yea.Im in.Whats up?"Ryder asked."Tracker just fully attacked Eve and she can't move.I pushed him down and im trying to keep him from moving but hes trying to get out."Marshall said."What?!"Alright im coming there right now!"Ryder said."Were un the tree house."He said locating where they were.

Meanwhile Ryder was doing

Ryder was playing his game when Marshall called."Yes im here.Whats up?"He asked.He told him what was going on."What?!Ok ill be right there."Ryder said hanging up."Pups to the lookout!"Ryder said.

Rubbles pov(Im going to start doing Point of views.)

Me and Chase were playing pup pup boogie when Ryder called."Pups to the lookout!"He said."Ryder needs us!We said.

We all went in the eleavator."Wheres Marshall?"I ask."Wheres Everest?"Skye asked."Whewes Twackewr?"Zuma asked.The eleavator went up and hopped out."Pups ready for action Ryder sir!Well almost."Said Chase."Yea wheres Everest Tracker and Marshall?"Rubble asked."Thats what were here for.Tracker attacked Everest and she cant move and Marshall is holding Tracker down."Ryder said.

The pups gasp."Chase i need you and your net to trap Tracker so he cant move."Ryder said."Skye i need you and your harness to pick up Everest to have Marshall heal her."Ryder said.

"Thus pups gotta fly!"Skye said.

Hi guys.Sorry to leave s cliffhanger but i thought it be great suspense.I promise i will updat soon so you dont have to wait too long.What do you think will happen next?Find out at chapter ten

To be continued.....

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