Chapter 3

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My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality. My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked.

"wakey wakey." I heard a voice. It was Alby, he stood in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Gally talked to me about you becoming a builder, I agree. I just want to double check that its fine with you." He stated.

I nodded, My muscles felt weak, just like my energy. The mattress wasn't very comfy, but at least I got some sleep.

"Well'll leave you to get ready." and with that he left the room.

I let out a groan, It was time to start working my new job as a builder. I kind of didn't want to be a builder but it was better then a runner plus I got to be with Gally everyday. Getting up, I got dressed and walked over to where Gally was. He looked up at me, and scowled, His facial expression was one of absolute disdain. He looked like he hated me.

My mouth went ajar, I was too shocked to even move and I had forgotten about asking him what he needed me to do. Did I do something to make him angry?

"Well are you just gonna stand there?" His tone irritated, continuing to hammer a nail into a piece of wood.

"Uh. Just tell me what you want me to do." I stammered, glaring at him. What is wrong with him?

"You see that saw over there? Use it. " He commanded, waving me off.

"Um.. I'm going to need more information then that." I spat, My voice filled with venom. I was getting angrier every second.

"Use a saw, Get this! To actually saw wood!" He said talking slow as if I was an idiot.

I screamed in frustration. Throwing my hands in the air.

"Why are you being such a jerk all of a sudden!? What did I do!?" I screamed.

He stopped what he was doing. Leaning his weight on a tree that was to the left of him and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me you were allowed to run alone!" He yelled back. His voice didn't perk like it was supposed to if he wanted it to be a question.

I didn't answer, instead I had my own question for him. A question that has been bugging me lately.

"Why do you care for me so much? Why do you want to protect me? I can protect myself ya know?"

He opened his mouth but then shut it as if contemplating to tell me the truth or not. He let out an exasperated sigh before saying these words:

"I can't take the chances of you getting hurt again or I will blame myself for the rest of my life."

A "What? Why?" passed my lips.

"Because I kinda like you."

My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught... I couldn't breath for a few seconds. He liked me?

"No, I don't like you... Shuck I love you."

Images flashed through my mind, as he said those three words. I.Love.You

Images flashed through my mind. Needles. Dimmed lights. White laboratory coats. Blue eyes.

These images were oh so familiar, I just couldn't remember where I have seen them from.

Why they were so familiar.


I was fighting to find my voice.

Just then, the sound of metal gears grinding together echoed through the Glade: The sound of a new Greenie. I snapped back to reality. My attention was now on The Cage. I walked towards the box, crowding around it with Newt and Alby.

The box opened and sunlight shone on the body in the enclosure. There laid a boy of a different race. Asian I think. He had short black hair and strong arms. The boy looked like a runner. I don't know how someone 'looks like a runner' they just do. It was his physic I guess. He was tall and fit.

The boy opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at all the faces around him and shielded his face with his hands. Alby hopped down in the cell and offered his hand to the newbie.

The Asian gave a smirk and replied with

"I have legs you know." As he ran a hand through his dark hair.

I smiled Ha, I like this kid already. The other boys let out a chuckle or two.

"alright, suit yourself." Alby said, but he too had a grin on his face.

Time skippy
We all crowded around the fire, my face was aglow with flickering orange as I stared into the fire. it was a peaceful night. The sky filled up with small specks of light, shinning like a million fireflies. The only thing I could think of was what the images meant? The pair of eyes were so familiar to me. WHY COULDN'T I REMEMBER?

I wanted to scream out in frustration, but not here... not in front of the boys. Getting up from my seat by the fire I told Gally and Newt that I wasn't quiet feeling well and I needed to get some rest. I arrived at my little hut that Gally made and right when I walked through the door, A single tear slid down from my eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down my cheek, releasing the sadness and frustration that has been held inside of me for all this time.

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