Chapter 4

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People say that darkness "presses in," but heres the thing- it actually doesn't. Darkness engulfs you like a mother whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

I've seen darkness before... we all have.

You know... the kind that makes our street like an old photograph's, everything in shades of grey. But this isn't like that. This is a blackness that robs you of your best senses and replaces it with a terrorizing fear.

In this darkness I sit, muscles numb and it hurts to move. I only know my eyes are still intacked because I can feel myself instinctively blink.

I feel icy coldness on my hands. Metal was what it was. It was almost as if the cold seeped into my bones.

I can hear things too, sounds that are familiar. The sound of gears and chains clanking and groaning. N-No... Not again... I thought. I can't be here again!

I slid back, my spine hitting the wall.

The box. The cage. The prison. The enclosure. Pen. Pound. The boys and I had so many names for it.

I felt the box racing upwards fast like the speed of light . I was so confused, Why was I in the cage again? I've already been in here! Will they remember me? I inhaled suddenly, What if the creators erased everyone's memories of me. What if I had to start all over again?

I braced myself for the cage to stop abruptly. Just like I remembered from the last time I was in this prison, Three months ago. But it never came.

And then I woke up. As my eyes open the first thing I notice is how dimmed the lights are. My limbs flex in shock. Tubes run up each nostril, I feel this prickly feeling in my left arm, A needle was embedded in my skin. tubes connected to the needle, drawing blood.

Needles. Dimmed lights. Needles. Dimmed lights.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Fear overwhelmed me, I didn't know what to do. I shut my eyes and laid back quietly. The dream about being in the box was better then this. A stranger coming closer and closer to you, being in some creepy, random laboratory,having needles stuck into you taking out your blood. Yes, The dream was way way way better. Just go back to sleep. Go back to sleep. Slide into a dream. I kept telling myself in my head.

The footsteps stopped beside me. Then I woke up.

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