↝ one shot

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A/N: this is sort of a "look at her life" type of one shot, around 700 words of what's going on with wilma now (: i miss writing her so much so i just had to do this, i hope you guys like it!!


     IT HAD BEEN a long time since Wilma felt this nervous — of course, living in Storybrooke always offered plenty to worry about, with some kind of villains always lurking behind each corner of their hometown, but this wasn't anything like that

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IT HAD BEEN a long time since Wilma felt this nervous — of course, living in Storybrooke always offered plenty to worry about, with some kind of villains always lurking behind each corner of their hometown, but this wasn't anything like that. This flame burning in her heart was some kind of positive fear, a thrilling rush like nothing else, something she had been longing to feel for the longest time. Despite the nervousness knocking at her racing heart, Wilma couldn't help but smile — it was because of the reflection that stared back at her in the long mirror she was standing in front of her, with Regina, Snow and Emma by her side, all of them eyeing Wilhelmina with adoring, happy gazes.

"You look beautiful, Wilma", Snow smiled, her hand squeezing the brunette's shoulder, and for once, Wilma agreed wholeheartedly in the belief that she looked like something from a movie. A fairytale, perhaps.

Indeed, she was wearing a long, white wedding dress with lace sleeves and an equally thin, detailed layer of the same material covering the whole creation, making her look like a princess. It was rare feeling, but for once, she felt equal to the actual princess, queen and savior standing next to her with nothing but support for Wilma, whose wedding day was finally here. It had been a long wait, but at last, the woman looked exactly like she had imagined, with her brunette curls sparkling with glitter and resting under her thin veil that Regina eventually lowered before her face.

"You ready? I think the groom might be growing a little impatient", Emma joked, and chuckling, Wilma nodded and took her bouquet from the nearby table. With the beautiful roses in hand, the brunette took in one last breath and then confirmed she was ready to go, which was David's cue to step in — the prince had been given the honor of walking the bride down the aisle towards the lucky, lucky husband-to-be.

With a proud smile, David nodded at Wilma as they linked their arms and the man began to lead her outside. "You look heaven sent, Winnie", he whispered happily, and after placing a gentle kiss on his best friend's cheek, the prince continued to walk Wilma outside where she was met by the fresh ocean air.

The wedding was at the docks — it felt natural for both Wilma, and Killian, who waited at the end of a trail of rose petals, in front of The Jolly Roger which was ready for the trip to their honeymoon destination. But before they could sail away, they actually needed to get married, and it felt almost surreal to walk down the aisle to gentle piano, with David by her side, but in a blink of an eye, Wilma found herself standing in front of Killian who was almost speechless and breathless at the sight of her.

Flashing a smile, Killian took Wilma's hands and squeezed them gently, before leaning towards her. "I am one lucky pirate", the man whispered, and it made Wilma smile as well, before they granted Archie the honors of starting the ceremony.

At last, the day was there — they had waited for this a long, long time. They had fought many villains, helped many heroes, sailed many seas, danced to many songs, drank a lot of rum and shared innumerable kisses, and it had all led them to this. Getting married.

Before they could kiss for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Wilma's eyes opened, and she realized that instead of a wedding ceremony by The Jolly Roger, she was actually in the ship, sleeping in the captain's quarters as the waves rocked the cabin. Or, at least she had been sleeping. Gasping, Wilma broke into a smile and as a red shade crept to her cheeks, the woman covered her mouth with her palm and let her grin widen.

The sudden awakening happened to startle Killian awake too, and groggily, the pirate looked up at the love of his life with a worried stare. "Everything alright, love? Another vision?", he questioned eventually, his voice a tired murmur and his accent thick with sleepiness, but despite the exhaustion in him, he had to make sure Wilma was okay. And with a soft smile, she confirmed that she was just fine.

Yes, it had been a vision of the future, things yet to come, and frankly, this was one that Wilma could not wait for.

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