More Than Survive (Cover but different?)

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I got super lazy because this song has dialogue aND NAH NO THANKS. IT'S 8 MINUTES WITH EVERYTHING. And I skipped the first verse cuz that's not family friend (im 100% family friend always ha *sarcasm*)

maybe one day I'll do this properly.

I'm really busy so that's why there's no daily trash btw. 

essays, the other parts of applying to go abroad, and getting ready for my college classes while adjusting my class schedule so I don't have to run to the college campus in 5 minutes right after school ends and making sure the college is aware that I am in one of the classes bc they kinda forgot about me funfunfun. 

 ye, I am taking college classes at 15. ;)

My PSAT scores were originally too low in math (which i am still salty about cuz it was on algebra and I had geometry sO), bUT THEY DIDN'T NOTICE SO DONT TELL LEL

imma be whooping it up at frat parties. (that's a complete lie, I'm not cool enough [nor do I have an interest in them] and alcohol is toxic to the body so no thanks.)

wow, look, this is me with all the flats and sharps I can offer in 4:27 mins :))))

 it for the jokes, I didn't try as hard as normal.

the part where I break out laughing is because I am singing normally, and the entire house can hear me. "IF MY NUTS WERE ANY SMALLER"

UPDATE: still can't find correct chords to Blue :/

I just want a good chuckle, why is this such a quest ???

(I'll put an animatic for your enjoyment, don't watch if you are scared of innuendos, that's the entire song)

and nothing against anyone who's gay, I am sure most people can see it's only a joke int he song hahhaha

pls don't rage, ill cry


(if you wanna know what I imagine cocaine feels like, put the speed on 2)

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