Chapter 1- Mall tours

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        "Tris we have to go! Its so close to us! Itll be so fun!" Christina whinned, her phone still in my hand. " I dont think my parents will let me." I said handing her back the phone. "Oh come on. Ill see if Marlene, Lynn and Shauna can go with us. Shauna and Marlene will probably say yes because Uriah and Zeke are going on tour with him. Itll be a girls thing. " "Ill ask but Im not promising anything. And send that link to me please so I could show it to my parents." She got on her phone and seconds later my phone dinged. 

         Christina showed be this Four guy 3 years ago on Youtube and Ive been watching him ever since. And now hes going on tour with his friends Uriah and Zeke. He makes art videos and hes amazing. Uriah and Zeke make funny youtube videos and sometimes features Four. I feel like I know him but Four is such a unique name, I wouldve figured it out by know if I knew him. 

         I walked to my parents room with Christina hot on my tail. "Hey mom, dad, I have a question." "Whats up honey?" My mom asked. "You know the Four guy that I watch on Youtube that does the art." My parents nodded. "Hes going on tour and I wanna go. The cost is 25 dollars to get in and if  I wanna meet him its another 25. The place is close by, about 20 minutes away." I explained and handed her my phone that had the information on the screen. My parents were talking lightly so I couldnt hear him. "And Im guessing your wanting to go to?" My dad asked Christina. She nodded and said "Yeah. Im going to ask Marlene, Shauna and lynn to see if they would want to come and it could be a girls trip." My dad nodded and went back looking at the info. "You can go, we will pay for you to get in but youll have to pay for the meet and greet if you want to meet him, along with the merch." My mom said handing me my phone. "Yay thankyou!" I gave them both a hug. "Im willing to drop you girls off and pick you up but let me know if the others are coming so I have time to fix the van if need be." "Okay thankyou dad!" "Thanks Andrew! Im texting them now." Chritina and I told my dad. "No problem girls." 

         Christina and I went back to my room and I shut my door and immediatly screamed. "IM GOING TO MEET FOUR!" I yelled, jumping up and down. "Im so excited!" Christina yelled, jumping with me. "I cant wait!" "Wait!" Christina yelled and ran to my closet. "This calls for a shopping spree. We need cute clothes to wear!" Christina said flipping through my clothes quickly. "Lets go then!" I put on my shoes and put my phone in my back pocket. "Ill call the girls and see if they wanna meet at the mall." We hoped in the car and drove off to the mall, blasting Disney music. 

          "LYNN, SHAUNA, MARLENE!" I yelled running over to them. "TRIS." they yelled and we hugged each other. "Wheres Christina?" Marlene asked. "The bathroom. I grabbed a pretzel and were supposed to meet up at bath and body." I said holding up my pretzel and offering them some. They all tore some off and we walked to bath and body works.

          "CHRISTINA!" They yelled. "GIRLS!" Christina yelled and they hugged. I felt a tug on my arm and I was in the group hug. When we let go we spreaded around the store having each other smell some scents. "Guys smell this one!" I yelled smelling the pink chiffon. They all came running over. "Get the whole set. Four will go crazy, he likes sweeter smells." Christina said smelling it and passed it to Marlene. We all looked at her weirdly. "How the hell do you know that?" Lynn asked smelling the bottle of perfume. "What, you guys dont go stalking?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the shower gel that went with it and put it in my basket. Shauna put the perfume in my basket and they all left to what they were doing before.

           "Where now?" Shauna asked. "Charlotte Russe! I need new underware!" Christina yelled pointing to the store ahead. "Girl you buy some every time were here." Marlene groaned. "You can never have enough clothes." Christina said and shrugged walking into the store with 3 bags on each arm. 

            We walked through most of the stores and bought a lot of random things. Christina had her arms full of bags.  I had 4, Marlene had about 5, Lynn had 3 and Shauna had a lot.

           "Im done! My feet are  hurting." I said sitting down on a chair. Lynn sat down next to me. "Me to dude." she said placing her couple bags on the floor. "Lets go get some food!" Marelene said. "Lets go to Home Town Buffet!" Christina said loudly and took off in the direction of the restraunt. "Thst girl has so much energy." I said grabbing my bags and started following her along with the other girls. "Hurry up!" Christina yelled in the doorway once she saw the distance between us. "Slow down next time!" Lynn yelled and we walked faster to Christina.

             "You guys know what your wearing to the meet and greet?" Christina said taking a bite of mashed patatoes. "Girl its a month away, I have no idea." Lynn said taking a sip of soda. Christina looked at me waiting for my answer. "I dont know yet, I have a while to decide." I told her. Shauna and Marlene nodded, aggreing. "You guys should figure it out soon so in case something happens you can have a back up outfit?" Christina said, sipping her soda. I rolled my eyes and ate the rest of my plate.

(A/N)- New story! How do you guys like it? The next couple chapters will have flashbacks and it will make sense, dont worry!

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