Chapter 6

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Finn POV

I'm still shaken up from my encounter with the soldier. Most people would blame his behavior on trauma but I know better. Zeth probably brainwashed him. He could be seen as a threat so putting some people to watch him wouldn't be a bad idea. Of course if he found out he would flip and truly betray the Republic.

Everything is so complicated now. I must ponder every outcome to every decision I make. I must not be impulsive. We have learned the hard way that we can't just attack the Imperial Order. We must be smart and outthink them. Even if we are winning a battle by brute force, they can always send Zeth to completely destroy us.

Honestly none of us can face her and succeed. She's just too powerful. I don't know any weaknesses to exploit. The Republic needs the Jedi back. I wish Luke was here. He would somehow have some guidance. We need someone who can contact the force, maybe Leia. Except Leia doesn't truly know how to use the force.

The Republic could launch a full scale search for Skywalker, but that would be too much of a distraction from the Order. I'm sure Luke will come to us when he is truly needed, or when he is truly ready. He did lose his daughter and the love of his life all in one day. That type of thing can truly destroy you.

Somehow I can't get Rey out of my mind. Zeth made it very clear that Rey is never coming back. I miss her so much. It's destroying me. I feel like I'm becoming less human everyday without her. I'm starting to do everything by rote. Nothing seems to make me excited anymore. All I want is to have the war be done with.

The memories of us haunt me. It's like they never go away; keeping me up all night. Sometimes I want to forget her but other times I don't. We had so many good things. She was the best thing to ever happen to me. But then the worst thing possible happened. She turned into Zeth.

Now my Rey was a cold-blooded killer. All she wants is power. She doesn't care about her family and friends. She doesn't care about me anymore. It's like I mean nothing to her. Like our relationship never existed. Maybe it didn't. Maybe I've been delusional. All I know is that there is a war with a Sith Lord on the opposing side.

I think we have to improve our elite stealth teams. They might be the only option that we have at the moment. If they don't work then I don't know what else to do. Quitting, however, is not an option. I will win this war, even if it kills me. I guess vengeance does that to a man.

We are currently on our way back to Corusant. Let's just say the Chancellor is not happy with our recent failures. He too wants this war to be over as quick as possible. He truly hates Zeth. If we ever captured her I know he would do everything in his power to give her a public execution.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in", I shout. It's probably Poe.

"Hey buddy", Poe says sitting down next to me.


"I heard about your encounter. That soldier has been through a lot. He saw his own brother get decapitated. It probably messed him up in the head. Don't take it too seriously."

I shake my head, "Something didn't feel right. I believe Zeth did something to him. Maybe brainwashing or a sith force trick. Who comes back to their leader an yelling saying that it's the leader's fault that the enemy killed their brother. If I were him I would be pissed at Zeth."

"Well Finn, you sent him to training. What's the worse he can do? He can't contact Zeth or the Order. It's not like there's any Order sympathizers around. The Order completely separated themselves from the Republic. They are many light years away from Corusant. Trust me he can do no harm."

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