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I'm cold... Why? Last I remembered I was lying beside Bormah after getting home. Speaking of him, where is he? I sit up and look around. Wait, I can see. It's a dream. I stand and brush myself off, taking in the marvels of what this dreamland has to offer. There are shimmering teal lights hanging from a deeply contrasting black ceiling. These same lights seem to fall to the ground at some points, taking on forms of small children who instantly stand and run as if they were... normal. As if they were mortal children running home for dinner with their mother and father. Except for one. She was sitting off in the distance, barely noticeable by the light she was giving off. It was faint, almost out. Her shoulders shook as if sobbing, and when I tried to comfort her, my arms did nothing but pass through her partially luminescent shadow of a form. There was a sudden shift, almost like a small earthquake. I'm suddenly faced with a scene I knew all too well. A small yelp of surprise can be heard, then a splash. Children laughing as if it was harmless fun. Then, another cry, this one of stark terror. I ran towards a blood-red lake shore, seeing the same faint light peeking out. I trailed the forked ends of a tail to the body shape of the sobbing child before me. She was looking about in fear as if she didn't know why everyone around her was screaming. The light around her changed rapidly from brown to a muddy gray while the group of other children were basked in the same muddy gray as they trembled in the distance. Then another form forced its way through. This one seemed to be an older woman whose light was changing from red to black to crimson as she threw the child from the safety of the lake to the cold ground in front of her feet. The older woman's light turned a dark gray as she pulled her leg back to kick the child in the stomach, causing her to curl around herself as the tail slowly dispersed into millions of tiny lights around her reformed legs. This did not slow the woman as she continued kicking, slapping, and punching the child with utmost hatred. This continued until the child was coughing up a puddle of red light on the ground. That's what stopped the woman from beating the child. She only wanted the child to suffer because of something she couldn't control. The balled up child sat, curled around herself, sobbing once more. I felt another shift, this one showing the child slightly grown, sitting beside the hulking outline of a Dragon. They seemed to be speaking of something though of what I could not tell. I noticed a new aura, one of bright pink around the girl and a mix of strong blue and pink around the Dragon as they spoke and she laughed, a calming , innocent laughter that stood so starkly opposed to the screams of terror from earlier. I smiled as more memories of Bormah and I flashed before my gaze until my vision came to rest in the midst of a raging battlefield. What's going on? This scene wasn't black with faint outlines like the others, but it looked as if I were standing in an actual field. I whip my head around in fear until my sights land on something truly heart wrenching. My Bormah, in battle with hundreds upon thousands of  Imperial soldiers loosing steely arrows like a great cloud of piercing rain at him. I couldn't bear to watch and I turned away in fear of what will happen to him.

Until I heard those wretched words.


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