Chapter One

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Her phone dragged her out of her sleep, who the hell calls this early? When Kate Beckett reached for it and looked to see who it was she didn't recognize the number, at all, so she cleared her throat from the sleep before she answered with the sexiest voice she could muster.

"Nikki Heat, what can I pleasure you with?"

Her voice was still draped with sleep, making it rough and even naughtier than she'd anticipated.

"Uh, hi," she heard a male voice in the other end of the phone.

She could immediately tell this was the man's first time, his voice shaking and the insecurity dripping through like water from a tap.

"I-uh, don't normally do this," he admitted and she rolled her eyes, thankful he could not see her.

No shit, Sherlock.

"Don't worry, some time's gotta be the first time, right?" she flirted.

She'd been doing this for a loong time now and she knew that some guys needed a little push in order to figure out if this really was what they wanted. A little flirting and sexy innuendos would often do the trick, either they would excuse themselves and saying they regretted it or they would be all game and book an appointment.

The man chuckled nervously in the other end, letting out a 'I guess so' and she couldn't help but bite her lower lip. She didn't know why but there was something about his voice that felt... comforting? She quickly pushed that thought aside, trying to remember why she did this, what she was supposed to do.

"Look, I won't bite... unless you want me to," she teased, letting him hear the small smirk she let onto her lips.

"Is it-uh... could we meet up first? Like, I just want to make sure you're okay with this in person first," he sounded so insecure, oh my god she was so not used to this!

"I'm free tonight, or even during the day if you want me to come over, tomorrow I have other clients," she replied, waiting patiently for his answer.

"Would it be okay if you come by at one? I'm kind of lacking company today," he chuckled nervously once again.

You don't say. She had to bite back on her tongue, forbidding herself to screw up another potential client before it even begun.

"Sure, I'll be there, just text me your name and your address and I'll send a copy of my prizes," she said and he agreed before she ended their call.

She put her head in her pillow and groaned. And here she'd been thinking she would have a day off, so much for that plan. Checking her clock she decided she could at least have two more hours of sleep before she had to get herself ready for her new client. Before she managed to put away we phone after setting an alarm she got a text containing his name and address.

Richard Castle.


Richard Castle wasn't sure of what he was doing, but the closer the time got to one he was getting more and more nervous. How had he gotten himself into this? Oh, that's right, his friends had bet he wouldn't dare go through with it. How stupid could he be?! They had told him, as a joke, that he would never be brave enough to pull a 'Dustin' and call a hooker and actually go through with it. Dustin had of course laughed and said he was probably the only one of the three best friends who'd ever do it, especially considering Rick was too sensible to even consider calling one. He'd been offended by that, not wanting to be stamped as the coward he'd immediately disagreed and before he knew it, it had been turned into a bet. A bet of which, if he would bail, could mean he had to dedicate his next book to his two assholes of friends. He wasn't sure why he was friends with them in the first place, the two were always up to something and getting him into trouble. He was really not even that into their friendship, still he didn't feel like he could leave them considering they'd been friends since high school.

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