Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Jack turn to me and grab my hands in his. "Y/N and I starts dating. I'm finally able to confess my feelings to her. Today is the starts of our relationship!" He said. I blushed as everyone cheers, congratulating us.

This is it... Our relationship finally blossom. I love Jack so much. I hope there will be nothing standing in our way. I hope we'll always be together....

-Valentines Day-


It's close to Valentine Day. I've been brain storming my head. Trying to think of a perfect give to for Jack.

I'm sitting on my desk with papers and pencil in front of me. I've been sketching trying to get any ideas. There's a lot of paper scattering around on the floor of my room. I groan when my sketching turns into a mess.

I was startled by a sudden knock on my door. I use my wind power and blow away all the papers. Once I made sure it's clean enough I tell the person to come in. The door opens to reveal my beloved Boyfriend, Jack. "Oh hey there, Jack!" I greet him with a bright smile on my face. He chuckle and walk over to me. He scoop me up in his arms and spin around. I squeal and wrap my arm around his neck. "Jack! I'm getting dizzy... Stop!" I say closing my eyes tightly hoping the dizziness would go away.

He put me on my feet, but because of the dizziness I stumble. He caught me "woah!" He said. I pout at him and hit his chest playfully. "I'm dizzy because of you" I scold him. He faked cry "I'm sowwy" he said cutely. I blushed and peck him. "No!! I don't want it to be only a peck" he whines. I giggle and kissed him passionately.

"Jack! You're needed by North in his office!" Tooth voice was heard from the other side of the door. Everytime Jack gone missing they would know that he's in my room. Because he was here almost all the time. Jack groan "okay! I'm coming!" He respond. We heard Tooth flying away. He turns to me and huffed. He peck my lips and smile "I'll be back soon, 'Kay?" He ask. I nod in respond with a smile. He left and I sat back down on my chair. Still thinking of a perfect gift for Jack. My memory drifted of to how I became a fully spirit. Pitch trying to hurt Jack. Then I realise... There's a high chances that he'll try to attack Jack again.

Over the passed few days I've develop a new power.... Magic. I can create an object that'll form a shield when someone is in danger. Yess! That's perfect. But... What object. I walk towards the window and take a sit. I look up to the sky, there's a my dad... The Moon, all around it is a flickering stars. Moon and Stars are always together.

Moons and star.... I look down to my crescent necklace. Then I shot up "that's it!!" I cheer. I open the window and fly out, and start doing my thing.

I was soon done and fly back down to my room. When I enters my room, Jack was there. He looks worried. "Jack?" His head shot up and look at me. Then he sprints to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug him back, confused. "Jack? What's wrong?" "Where were you, Y/N. I was worried, I thought you've gone missing or something" he whispered to my ear. My shoulder became soaked as he starts to cry. "Shh... I'm okay Jack. Don't worry...." "Next time please tell me if you're going out.... Don't just disappear like that..." He said pulling away and stare into my eyes. I nod my head and smile "I promise I'll tell you if I'm going somewhere."

On Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day. I've also prepared the gift for everyone else. I hope Jack would love his gift.

Y/N. Princess of the Ocean (Jack Frost X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now