Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

Once he was out of sight, I smile and close my door. I went to the bathroom and prepare myself for bed. Once I'm done I put on my pyjamas and went to my bed, laying down. I look up at the ceiling before closing my eyes, slowly falling into a deep slumber.

I'm glad.... Now that I know the necklace I gave to Jack works. I'll be at peace. He'll always be safe from any threat... I don't want him to get hurt. I love him.... So much

-What's Your Center?-


It's still early in the morning. "Y/N..... Wake up..." A voice whispers to get me wake up. "Go away.... Let me sleep.... I ajahsbjs.... Zzzz" I began to say nonsense. I heard the person trying to wake me giggled. "Come on, Y/N... Wake up" the person tries one more time. "Noo~" I whined. "Okay you ask for it" the person then starts tickling me. I burst out laughing. "Stop!!! Hahaha cut it out!!! That tickles!!! Please stop!!! I'm gonna pee~" (remember when Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda punching Po, trying to block his Chi? Just imagine it that way. If you didn't know just look it up on YouTube. Trust me! It's one of the funniest scenes in the movie. I'm laughing just by thinking of it XD). "I'll stop if you wake up." "Okay! Okay!!! I'm up! I'm up!!!" I scream still laughing. The person stop. I close my eyes trying to catch my breath from laughing so much.

After my breathing is evened out, I open my eyes to see a grinning Jack. I glare at him and got up of the bed. I start hitting his chest "meanie!! Can't you think of a better way to wake me than to tickle me to death?!" I yelled at him. "Sorry..." He said pouting. I just huffed and turn away from him, crossing my arms like a kid. I felt his arms wrap around me from behind and his chin is on my shoulder. "Forgive me, pwease~" he said in a baby voice. I turn my head slightly to look at him to see him giving me a really big puppy dog eyes. I cracked up a smile as I turn in his arms to face him. I flick his forehead and he recoiled from holding me, rubbing his forehead  while looking at me with a pout. "Meanie..." He said. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss "you're lucky I love you, Jack" he grinned in respond and kissed me. After a while of kissing we pulled away "I love you too, Y/N. So... you forgive me right?" "Maybe~" he pouts. I giggle "yeah I forgive you." He grin and hug me.


I'm  in North's office. I'm helping him preparing for the upcoming Christmas. We are working in silent. North broke it by asking "what's your center?" I look up to him and shook my head indicating that I don't know. Then I can't help but think... What is my center?

It's been years.... But I still haven't found out what's my center is. I'm still really confused to why I'm able to do what the others can. But either way, I still find it cool. But I'm curious to why am I able to use black sand just like Pitch. I sigh... It's really frustrating to not knowing my center.

I felt a hand being place on my shoulder "be patient Y/N.... You just need some time to find out about it..." North said trying to comfort me. I sigh "I know... But how long, North? I've become a Guardian for years.... But I still don't know what's my center is" I say being a little frustrated about myself.

The door opens to reveal Tooth "Y/N... Can you help me?" I look towards her and nod. I turn to North "I'm gonna go and see what she needs" I say. He nods "just remember Y/N.... You'll find your center soon" he said with a smile. I smile back and turn to leave the room.

I fly across the work shop to look for Tooth. "Tooth? Where are you?" "In here!!" I heard her voice. I finally found her in training room. "What do you need help with?" "Help me train to fight" "but you're a good fighter" "yeah... But I wanna be stronger" she said. "Okay... Sure! I'll help you then" she squeal and hugs me. "Too... Tight" I gasp as she hugs me tightly. Then the training starts. She pulls away and laugh. Then we starts the training.

After a while of training we both collapse on the floor breathing heavily. "Thank you... Y/N... I can feel I'm getting better now" she said turning to look at me with a smile. I smile at her, then sit up while letting out a sigh. "What's wrong, Y/N?" "I'm getting frustrated, Tooth..." "Why?" "All of you have your own center that makes you well... You. But I still didn't know mine. It's been years but still nothing!" I said. She smile and wrap her arms around my shoulder. "You'll find it soon... Don't worry..." "Yeah... But, how much longer?" I ask looking over at her. She just shook her head slightly. I just sigh and got up "I'm gonna go look for Jack... Maybe he'll able to cheer me up" I say. She nods and waved at me. I wave back before taking off.

I'm flying around to look for Jack. "Where would he be?" I ask myself. But then I remember Jamie. Jack could be with him. They are pretty close together. After all... Jamie is Jack's first believer. Now that's settled I turn my way and start flying to Burgess.

After a while of flying... I finally reached Burgess. I head to the park where the children always play at. From afar I'm able to see the silhouette of Jack playing around with the kids. But he didn't notice me there. I smirk and scoop up some snow in my hand forming it into a snowball. Then I shot it towards Jack. He yelps in surprise when the snow hits him square in the face. The kids laugh at him. I giggle as well. He turns to me "Oooh... You're so gonna get it, snowflake" he said advancing towards me. "Kyaaa!!!" I yelp running away. The kids just continue on laughing at us. Soon he manage to catch me. Then we starts to play the whole evening.

I wish I would know my center soon. So I would know why my dad 'Man in Moon' would picked me as a Guardian and so I could use my full power... Maybe get rid of Pitch once and for all

*to be continued*

Y/N. Princess of the Ocean (Jack Frost X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now