two | it's more than that

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I wake up to rain. My eyes flutter open and I feel cool droplets of water flooding my bare chest. Clarke's curled up towards me, still asleep, using my shirt as a blanket. Other than that, she's just wearing underwear. I look down; so am I.

Clarke's hair is spread all around her head, little blond curls framing her face. Her small breathes move her body up and down, while her smooth skin is being invaded by drops of rain. This whole image of her makes me smile for some reason.

I think back to last night. I was sober enough to remember all of it clearly. The more I lay there and think about it, the more I want to do it again. But we have another problem to deal with right now.

"Clarke," I say, moving her shoulder back and forth slowly after I sit up. "Clarke, wake up."

The rain is falling in buckets now. She stirs, then feels it. Bolting up, she presses my shirt to her chest.

Clarke looks up at the sky. "It's going to storm," she notes, then looks around for her bra.

"Good morning to you, too," I say, playfully, putting a hand on her shoulder and bringing her towards me.

All the muscles in her face relax, and she breaks out into a grin. "Good morning." She leans forward and kisses me, running her fingers through my damp hair, then hands me back my shirt. "We should find shelter. Camp's too far."

I throw on my shirt and shuffle my hands around me until I locate my pants. Once I do, I stand up on the adjacent rock and slide them on. Clarke's dressed, too, now, and seems to be scanning the area for shelter, her head whipping to get a glimpse at our surroundings.

"How far is the bunker from here again?" she asks, standing up next to me.

"Almost as far as camp."

Thunder rumbles and we both look up just in time to see a lightning strike not too far away. I meet her eyes and we share a look of panic as we get even more soaked.

Clarke breaks eyes contact, and without a word, climbs down the rocks and starts running into the trees. Automatically, I follow her. It doesn't really look like she knows where she's going, but she keeps running.

I see the cave first.


I dash into the cave, and put my hand on my gun from my hip, in case there are any Grounders inside. It's silent in here, though, and apparently, empty.

I hear Clarke behind me, panting. I turn around. We're both drenched.

She smiles when she sees me, and it brings me back to the night before. I hadn't really expected to sleep with her. Ever since Clarke had stopped me from running away, I've sort of had feelings for her. Feelings I thought I could suppress and deal with if they never led anywhere. I didn't expect anything from last night except two friends getting drunk, while one friend casually wanted to kiss the other friend. I wasn't going to do anything, but when I caught her looking at me, my hammered ass couldn't conjure up any reason not to go for it. So I did.

Of course, she's always been smart and beautiful and wonderful. It's more than that. We have some sort of connection that I just can't stop thinking about.

"They're going to be wondering where we are at camp," Clarke says, sitting down against the wall of the cave, by the edge of it.

She turns her head away from me, looking out at the rain that's still falling. If she's anything like me, she's fascinated by it. Rain was just something I never thought I would see.

I sit down next to her. "They're probably wondering where we were last night."

She doesn't say anything.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks quietly. "Or pretend it never happened?"

I look at her somber face, her wet hair stuck to the sides of it. I want to reach out and lightly hold her chin, so that she'll look at me, but I don't.

"Do you want to pretend it never happened?"

She hugs her knees to her chest. "I don't know." A pause. "No."

"I don't, either."

She looks at me, her face hardening to try and mask... well, I don't know, exactly. "So what are we going to do?" she asks.

"Right now," I started, "I think we should get out of these wet clothes." I try to wink, but I mess it up and it makes her laugh.

I take off my shirt anyway, and we laugh and laugh as we try to kiss and peel the wet clothes of off our bodies, and I don't remember ever feeling this happy.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, please let me know how you're feeling about this story!

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