Chapter 7 The Electro Master

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"Who are you?" I was getting impatient.

"Can't I have a little bit of fun at least~" She said in a cat like voice. "Nya~nya~nya~"


"Nya~ I'm Rin Hoshizora. You could call me Riho nya~ I'm an otherself." She said with a cat like smile.

My eye twitched as I stared at her. She acted so much like Rin. Unlike the false Nico and Maki, who I ran into earlier today with Maki and Nico. What exactly is going on?

"Are you okay Eli?" Riho asked nearing me.

I took a step back to distance myself from her. I still didn't trust her. "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine."

"Nya~ you're afraid of me..." her smile turned into a frown and looked away from me. It looked like she was about to cry.

"Rin, Eli!" A voice from a distance caught our attention.

I looked towards where the voice came from. "Kotori!" I waved her over and she came. She jumped and pulled me into a tight hug. "K-Kotori, I can't breathe."

"I'm sorry Eli." She released her hold on me. "Where is everyone else."

"I don't know. A few minutes ago, I wanted to see if I could fly so I jumped out the window taking Eli with me nya~." Rin... Or should I say Riho, answered playfully. I could only stare at her. She was making this up. We both went flying out the window, yes, but on purpose? No.

"Ri...hmpf." Riho covered my mouth and walked back a few steps, taking me along with her.

"Kotori, you're looking for Umi right? She's in the student council room." Riho quickly answered. "Sorry for the rush but I have some business with Eli here. Private business." She gave a twitching grin to Kotori and then made a run for it, dragging me along with her.

Riho POV

Sorry Kotori but I really do need to talk with Eli privately.

I ran into the building, nearly dragging Eli behind me, and looked for an empty class room.

After walking around like an idiot, I finally found an unlocked empty room. As I entered I pulled Eli in front of me and then pushed her inside with probably a little too much force along with a small shock.

"Do NOT mention that I'm not their Rin to them!" I somewhat scolded her. Sure, it's very out of character for Rin but I'm not their Rin, my personality is different and I could do whatever I wanted. I didn't care~.

"But...She has the right to know what's going on." She argued.

I wasn't exactly in the mood to fight with her so I held my hand up towards the light switch and drew electricity from it. Once charged up, I aimed a little to the right of Eli and blasted the electricity at the desk. I didn't want to hurt her but I've had enough arguments today than I needed and wasn't going to put up with another one. So, what's the best thing that came to mind? Scare the living day lights out of her. Wait... I could do that literally. Still charged up with electricity, I aimed for the light switch again. Only this time instead of taking electricity out, I'm shooting it back, resulting in the lights going out. Sadly though, I forgot it was still in the middle of the day and there was enough light outside to make it so the lights going out in here doesn't faze her. That's fine though. I could still scare the crap out of her. Literally, but I'm not going there.

Returning to reality I see her on the ground shaking uncontrollably. Fear in her eyes.

Oh no, I didn't mean to scare her this badly nya~

"Eli, I'm sorry. It's been a long day for me."

"Y-yeah? You and me both." She stopped shaking and stood back up. "What are we going to do now?"

"Well~ Guess we go find Nozomi and Umino nya~"

"You said it again. Was that Umi really not the real Umi?"

"She's Umi's otherself. Sure enough, her name is Umi, but to prevent confusion, we combined our first and last names together. That way, if we end up together with our otherselves, we'll know who's talking about or to who with no confusion at all, nya."

"I-I see."

Just as she replied, the door to the room was knocked down.

"Well. Isn't this going to be fun."

Eli and I both turned towards the voice.

"Never thought I'd say this but... GET OUT!" I shouted while shooting a ball of electricity at the party breaker.

She threw fire to block my attack. "Not going to happen." She held her arms up, conjuring fire to spread from her hands to her arms as well. "Will you hand Eli over quietly or do I have to use force?"

"Eli, run. I'll handle miss piano-plays-a-lot." I gestured Eli to run and she did. Now it was just Makino and me.

I didn't want to drain the entire school of electricity so I decided to take the fight outside. Also with Makino's ability of fire, I didn't want the school to burn down as well.

I jumped out the window with Makino on my tail. Summoned a thunderstorm and had lightning strike down on me. Once fully charged up I shot all the electricity I had in me and fired at Makino. Bullseye!

Makino fell to the ground nearly fried. Anyone want a Makino-shish kebab? I bet I shocked her to perfection on the outside but can't promise a good taste on the inside.

Well... With Makino unconscious for the moment, I decided to head back in and find Eli.

"OUCH!" Something or someone just hit me on the back of my head. I turned around and saw a hooded girl. I couldn't tell who she was since her face was covered. I had no hint which year she was either due to her ribbon being covered by her jacket.

I jumped back readying myself to attack but she held her hand up to stop me. Yeah right nya. I'm not falling for a stupid trick like that. I charged at her while trying to generate electricity without the aid of any electrical sources. I could do it, it just takes longer to generate my own electricity then just taking it from a source. As I was charging at her, she moved at last minute and tripped me.

"Do that again, I won't hold back. Come with me for a minute. I think I'm on to something."

She used telepathy on me? And that voice...

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