Chapter 8 They Are Blending In

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Hanayo POV

I've been wondering around the school looking for everyone. Ever since I ran out the classroom to go to the bathroom, I haven't seen anyone.

"Hanayo! Over here." A voice shouted to me from a distance.

"K-Kotori! What's going on?" I ask as I walk over to her.

"Everyone is acting weird."

I gave her a confused look. I haven't seen anyone since I went to the bathroom. "What do you mean?"

"I ran into Eli and Rin earlier and Rin pulled Eli away saying she had to talk to her in private. Then I ran into Nozomi saying something about Rin. I don't understand what's going on!"

"That doesn't sound strange."

Kotori grabbed my arm and gave it a tug. "We should go find the others. Something strange IS going on." 

Walking around and finding no one we decided to head to the club room and talk about what we know. However, both of us didn't have much information to begin with, so trying to figure out what's going on and where everyone is, is a bit challenging. Not to mention the fact that I felt like something wasn't right.

After around an hour passed and no one showed up we decided to leave the club room and head to the music room. Hoping we could run into a certain red head.

Sadly though, the room was empty.

"I forgot, we should check the student council room. Eli and Nozomi are always in there." Kotori face palmed.

"That's right, let's go." I answered and we headed towards the direction of the student council room.

Sure enough, Eli was there looking out the window but Nozomi wasn't there. Not only that but the student council room looked like a tsunami hit it.

"Eli, what happened?" I asked. Walking towards where she was standing.

"Hanayo, Kotori, where are the others." She asked in a worried tone but also very calmly.

"We don't know. Everyone's been acting strange. And Hanayo hasn't seen anyone."

"I see."

"What happened here, Eli?" I asked. I could have sworn I saw Eli flinch.

"The-there was a small incident with Nozomi, Umi and me. You probably won't believe this but...there was another Nozomi as well."

"What!?" We both were surprised to hear that. It's probably a joke, yeah that's probably what it is. Though, I've never known Eli to joke around like that.

"What do you mean there was another Nozomi?" Kotori asked walking a little closer to Eli.

"Just what it sounds like. There was another Nozomi. The two Nozomis were fighting. I don't remember what happened after I fell out the window."

"You fell out the window!?" We both asked.

"Yes." Eli answered so calmly but I bet deep down she's in full panic.

A knock suddenly sounded at the door. As the door opened Umi and Nozomi walked in.

"Elichi?" Nozomi asked. She was about to say more but Umi seemed to have whispered something in her ear which made her keep quiet.

"I'm glad you two are safe..." Umi paused as she glared at Kotori.

I could only look back and forth at them. Nozomi and Eli were standing to the side. Just then four people barged into the room. "Ehhh!!!???? Rin, Honoka, a-and another Umi and another Kotori???!!!" My brain wasn't able to process what was going on. Before I knew it, everything went dark.

Honoka POV (back to when Umino left the four idols)

After the mystrery girl ran off, Umi, Kotori, Rin and I thought we'd better find the others before they end up killed by, apparently, our look-alikes.

We were wandering around the campus finding absolutely nothing. That's when I decided to take a break and eat my delicious bread under our usual hangout.

"Honoka! You're going to gain weight! Give me that!" Umi tried grabbing the bread out of my hands but I ran before she could so much as touch my precious bread.

"Come on Umi. I haven't had anything all day."

"Hand it over!"

"Not happening." I was actually enjoying myself. Until Maki showed up.

"Maki, help me. Umi is being mean."

"Shouldn't you be asking Kotori to help like you usually do?" Maki twisted her hair as she approached us.

"Come on Umi, let Honoka have her bread." Kotori pleaded Umi, and Umi gave in.

"First, getting trapped in the auditorium with Nico and Eli. Second, a me and another Nico attacking us. Third, Eli saying she had to run and taking off. Forth, Nico being Nico and chasing after Eli... Nani sore Imi wakannai. My head hurts trying to think."

"You too huh?" Umi asked.

"Wait...What exactly is going on?" I was now getting to the point where I wanna strangle someone if they don't tell me what's going on.

"Look-a-likes wandering around the school. I ran into Maki and Nico earlier with Rin but both attacked. It wasn't like this Maki."

"Yeah. Things are weird right now."

Kotori and I could only stare.

"NYA!!! DID YOU GUYS FORGET I WAS HERE NYA?" Rin was jumping up and down, waving her arms trying to get our attention.

"When did you get here Rin." I asked. I honestly forgot she was with us. >.< (honestly so did I >_<)

"Honoka, your mean nya."

"Nico Nico nii. Love is in my heart. Nico Nico Yazawa ready to kill you all~"

"That's the other Nico who was trying to kill us." Maki backed away slightly before breaking into a run.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but Umi seemed to have grabbed me and ran the other direction. Rin and Kotori hot on our heels.

"I'm sorry Honoka but we'll explain later when we don't have to worry about being killed at the moment."

"Ditto nya~"

Nico was chasing after us. I'm surprised she didn't chase after Maki. Chasing one is better than chasing a whole group, right? I mean the four of us could separate anytime.

Still running for our lives, we saw the student council room and decided to hide there, hoping Nico would run on.

We all barged in and shut the door as fast as possible. After catching our breaths, we look up and there was Eli and Nozomi, along with Umi and Kotori?

I think a circuit in my brain stopped functioning because now I'm seeing double.

My head started smoking and I guess I passed out because I don't remember what else happened other than landing on something soft.

"Honoka! Get off Hanayo!"

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