Chapter 17 Aqour's Story

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Sorry this is late. A lot of homework. Then I got sick. My fever's down and I'm back to writing crap. XD

Kanatsu POV

"I guess I should start from what happened with us..." I started.

"Not too long ago we felt a strange pull. Probably similar to the three of you." I directed my gaze towards Elise, Umino and Riho and the three nodded.

"My link was completely broken. So was Hanika's and Chikami's link. Rikura is the only one in this room from our group who's link wasn't completely shattered."

Everyone then faced Rikura and she turned red. "Y-yeah. I started feeling these emotions for the first time. These emotions were new... It was weird."

"Yeah, it was weird for us too nya." Riho said.

"Well..." I started again. "For those of us who's link was broken we felt a huge wave of emotion. Unlike you three and Rikura. We felt more than just that unexpected wave. We felt something inside. An uncontrollable feeling. We were so confused that we lashed out blindly. We wanted to get rid of the source. The source was our human counterparts.

They all just stared at me except Chikami and Hanika.

I sighed. "well...another way I could put it is that it was like someone blowing an air horn continuously and wouldn't stop the noise. So you silence the noise yourself."

Then they all understood my point. Finally.

"I was so confused. I was afraid. I wanted the feeling to go away. We wanted the feeling to go away." I faced Chikami and Hanika. They both nodded in agreement.

"Rubasa, Mariha and I were trying to figure out what they were doing at the time. At first we didn't know they were out to kill the others. Once we reached the school our counterpart's attended we saw Chikami suffocating her human counterpart. And that's how we knew that the rest were in danger and that we needed to help them."

"I see. Then what happened?" Nozomi asked.

"umm...If I remember correctly, an old woman walked up to Mariha and asked if she enjoyed the 'gift' that she gave her."

"What was the gift?" Elise and Riho asked simultaneously.

"A song. It was a song. And it turns out that her human counterpart shared the song with the others."

"But then shouldn't you all have been effected nya?" Rin asked.

"what do you mean?"

"I got a gift from an old lady too but it was a movie not a song. We all watched it but Umi, Eli and I nya."

"I'm only guessing but the three of you aren't trying to kill us right nya?" Rin asked Umino, Riho and Elise.

"That's right." Elise answered.

"I fell asleep during the movie. Umi ran out of the room saying it was too gory and Eli had to leave early nya."

"I also arrived late." Eli added.

"That's pretty similar to what our human counterparts did." Rikura said. "Rubasa's counterpart, I heard, missed part of the song by saying she had to go to the bathroom. Mariha's had to go home before she got in trouble with her parents and left her iPod with the others. Mine left early for a piano competition."

"So, they missed part of the song?" Nozomi asked.

"Yeah they did."

"But they heard some of it?" Maki asked.

"Correct. That's why we were only partly effected. Not fully. It couldn't take full effect when it wasn't fully heard." Rikura answered. "Probably like yours. It couldn't take full effect when it wasn't completely watched."

"Nya, I saw the ending though!" Rin panicked.

"Like Rikura said zura. It couldn't take full effect unless you watched start to finish. Not one part could be missed."

"Wait, there were two disks." Nozomi added.

"for ours there were two songs. They decided not to listen to the second until everyone was sure they could listen to it together." I said.

"what did I miss?" Looks like Umi came to.

After filling Umi in on what we discussed I continued explaining what our human counterparts have been through.

Apparently we got to the end of the story.

"WHAT!!??" They all asked.

"It's the truth. They forcibly merged with us and temporarily became one. They had to accept what we were. However, we rejected who they were. There they split within the otherself's subconscious. Then they fought. On the night of the black moon.


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