chapter two

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TW: Trigger Warning! Does contain some things that might be counted as a trigger for some!

                                                                          *        *        *

Her bed was warm, comforting as it swallowed her whole in the land of comforters, sheets, and pillows. Her hair a ratty nest, coming from the literal meaning of rats nests. Her breath terrifying and could even swear off the most sparkly of vampires. Hell even her skin was printed with indention's of her sheets thread count, it was glorious.

Her eyes in her sockets screaming to see light again, they awoke their fellow eyelids and suddenly she could see, she was up and her eyes happy.

With her mouth clean from the brush made for her mouth and her skin more or less, less-indented; she was up and ready for a new day. Except it wasn't a new day and that was was 8 hours away considering it was 5:27 in the evening.

That reminded her; her mother. Her mother would be home soon from night service at the church, ew.

Her lips parted in a sigh as tears rolled down her pale cheeks knowing the 'lecture' she would be getting and the cold, oh so cold facial expressions directed towards her.

She rolled her sweater sleeve down and over her scars located on her wrists. Warmth was erupting all throughout her, previously feeling cold the action was well welcomed by her body. 

The cliche warm fuzzy feeling soon disappeared when she realized her mother was home. Alice would just stay in her room but when your in "recovery" you have you eat or a rehab center is calling your name.

She slipped on some socks from the previous hospital visit, the gripper ones. She tip toed through the old hardwood hallway, she wound from her room to the kitchen without a sound. In the kitchen was her mother, setting things on the counter for dinner.

"Ew," Alice thought "Dinner..."

The thought of all the food, nutrients, calories, and everything rushing and pulsing, pushing itself through her body almost made her purge on an empty stomach, right in front of her mother; but she would never do that.

"Alice, why did you leave during service this morning?" Her mothers cold but angry tone didn't help anything "You know exactly what that does to my reputation, goodness!" Alice's mother sat down on a chair in the room, her hands coming up to her face and cupping it, he shoulders shaking violently. All with fear of what the church congregation would think of her daughter, her.

Alice on the other hand felt no remorse or regret, She only wished that her mother had cried like this for her when she had been diagnose with all of these mental problems.

"Mom, I-" Her mother looked up at her with the most evil look on her face.

"No, Alice I am done with your bull shit! Seriously! It's all about you, well you are my daughter and I love you but good God the world does not revolve around you!" Her mother got closer to her her hand raised in the air, Alice was shrinking down as if she felt that she could just disintegrate, too bad she couldn't. 

"Like come one! Bulimia, Anorexia? All of those are for attention, I swear to the high heavens above you don't actually have problems. Hell maybe I'd be a happy parent if I wasn't sending you to the rehab centers every two minutes, god just go and be a teenager, go have sex, get knocked up. Anything than just being upset and suicidal, for fucks sake!" The words dug into Alice like a knife.

...All of those are for attention....

...You don't actually have problems...

..Maybe I'd be a happy parent if I wasn't sending you to the rehab centers every two minutes...

...than just being upset and suicidal...

She knew her mother was evil but Cinderellas step mother wasn't even as bad as this. Alice's mother got away her face beat red, she went to her room and slammed the door leaving Alice on the floor in tears and broken.

One think went to her mind and one thing only:

There are clean razors in the bathroom.


So what did you all think? I mean other than the fact that Alice's mother is obviously an evil alien from another universe bc.

I worked kinda hard on this ;)

I would appreciate if you voted and commented! Loveeee youuuu

Btw, Dedication goes to a someone/anyone bc i  like to dedicate! :)

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