•6• sensitive

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It's been a week since you and Todoroki held hands. Since then you thought a lot about your feelings towards him. You knew for sure that he was important to you, you considered him as your best friend. But since that incident, you started feeling differently. You kept thinking about him at the most random times - while eating your dinner or while doing your make up. You ignored that, I mean everyone thinks about their friends, right? But then, you noticed how your heart starts beating faster when you see him. Every time he looked you in your big [eye colour] eyes you felt like you were going to melt. And that warmness in your heart and stomach when he was smiling at something or someone (especially you).

Then it hit you.

You were in love with him.

But that couldn't be possibly true. You were sure he will never feel the same about you as you do about him and  hell no, relationships were not for you. I mean, you never had a boyfriend but you couldn't even imagine yourself having one. It just felt ridiculous!

On one day, when you woke up, Shouto was obviously on your mind and you were very excited to see him. You decided to just hide your feelings to him and at least try to act normal around him, not like a love-struck teenage girl from those cliché movies about love and stuff. You changed from your pyjamas to your school uniform and headed to school. You sort of hoped to meet Shouto along the way, because you live pretty close to each other, but unfortunately, he was either already in the class or he hasn't even woken up yet. To your surprise, when you walked in to the classroom, he was sitting on your seat. He was talking to Midoriya, they both looked very determined.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" you greeted them and sat next to them. Suddenly, Shouto became a stuttering mess and he was all red, but Midoriya looked just as determined as before. He gave Shouto a little punch on the arm.

"Uh, well... Y-you know, there's this, uh, t-the new movie that [your favourite actor/actress] is in a-and uh..." Shouto stuttered, looking both at you and Midoriya. Midoriya was mentally encouraging him. You, however, were getting more and more red, the only thing you had on your mind was "oh my god is he asking me out on a date no he can't that can't be true wait hoLD ON A SECOND"

"I-I was wondering if you would like to go and see it, y-you know... togheter. With me, o-of course." Shouto said and covered his mouth with his hand. Midoriya looked at you with anticipation, holding his breath in.


"So... like a date?" you asked. You could feel your heart pounding and you were afraid it's going to pop out of your body. Midoriya breathed out with a relief.

"Y-Yeah... like a date" Shouto blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"I'd love to go with you, Shouto." you said and smiled. Both of the boys looked at each other and quietly celebrated Shouto's success while you were just staring at them and admiring their friendship.

You somehow survived the whole week of torture and thus, the weekend came meaning your date with Shouto was just around the corner. You were nervous as hell, you were questioning everything and you were about to rip your hair out of your scalp because, oh deciding what to wear was so hard. Because it was winter, you decided to wear a [favourite colour] jumper and black jeans. Simple, but charming. You had your hair [choose a hairstyle], so your look was overly casual, so you decided to experiment a little with your make up. You did an, may I say, amazing winged eyeliner and put on some [favourite lipstick colour] lipstick. Now you were rocking that look!

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