Chapter 3: Family....

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Songs For this Chapter:

If its love- Train

Sarah's POV: I heard the prance if tiny little feet as I feel Niall shift in our bed. I felt those tiny little feet I heard early jump on my bed and I felt a weight on my stomach. I peeled my eyes open and see my son standing up on, now Niall's stomach, I smiled as I saw Aiden lean forward and jump lightly then land on his knees and grabbed Niall's face.

"Hey Buddy. What are you doing up? Huh..Huh" Niall said and started to tickle Aiden which causes him to explode with giggles. I smiled at the two and sit up leaning against the bed fame.

"Mommy!! Save me!" Aiden screamed. I laughed and joined the two trying to help Aiden but ending up with Niall pinning both of us and tickling us till we're screaming from laughter.

"Aww the little family.." A voice says from the door. I turned my head to see my mom.

"Hey Mom. Whats up?"  

"You know that we have to send out the invitations today? Remember?" I nodded and grabbed Aiden into my arms.

"C'mon little man we're going to get you dressed." I say and go Aiden's room. I sat him down on his bed and picked out his clothes.

"Hey go help your mom. I got Aiden." Niall said wrapping his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I walked down to see my mom with her laptop.

"Ok Honey lets start with the main people then got to the maybes." I nodded and went to the bar, in my kitchen, that my mom was sitting at.

"You want anything to drink?"

"Sure iced tea please."

"Sure mom." I smile as I got out to Venti Starbucks cups. I filled them with ice before pouring in ice tea.

"Ok So Our family. Auntie Rose, Debbie, Dallas, Brandon, Matt, and Uncle Phil." She types furious will looking up to get my approval and I nod.

"I have to ask Niall about his family. But friends wise. Trinity, Louis, Sophia, Liam, Zayn, Perrie, and Harry. Cassie, Kayle, and Ed." My mom nods and types.

"ok-"my mom gets cut off by her phone.

"Crap...Guess who texted me?"


"Libby's mom."

"Really! I haven't seen Libby in forever!! Please invite her!"

"well by the looks of it she's coming in a couple of weeks." My eyes widen in excitement.

"yes well I have to go." She said and kissed my cheek.

"Bye mom love you!"

"Love you!" she leaves the house and I walked to find Niall and Aiden when I get a call.



(A/N): Hey loves! Sorry it took me a while to update but it for a good reason so please Vote&Comment! Love ya'll! And after 4 votes I'll update!!~Sarah

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