Chapter 18: Time for home.

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Songs for this Chapter:

Try- P!nk.

Sarah's POV:

Niall breaks into movement while I sit still, thinking over who Marcus is. I ponder it over as I start moving towards my bags, I rummaged through my bags, throwing everything everywhere. My hands start to shake as I grabbed the bag that I carry in emergencies.  

“Sarah what is that?” Niall asks not moving anymore.

“Its something I never wanted to bring back into my life. Niall, this is everything I have on Lucas, I’ve been working on it for a long time trying to figure out his every turn but its not just him.” I searched for air but my lungs wanted to collapse and kill me.

“Sarah breathe. Who was it on the type?”

“Marcus.” He was quiet and then it hits me. I know who Marcus is, he’s the guy that took me away everything, made me better, made me press charges on Lucas. Why? Why was he of all people trying to hurt me. This doesn’t sound right.
“Do you know who Marcus is?” I asked Niall, turning to look at his face, his face is pale and lifeless.

“He’s one of the biggest gang leaders out there besides me and Lucas.” He shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed.

“Come on. I have the plane ready to take us home.” He says out of no where and packs the rest of my things with me. We walked through making sure to not forget anything. The plane ride from Hawaii to London is one the longestest. Its 14 hours, me and Niall traveled in a taxi to our private plane. As soon as we get through everything i.e security and shit. We got on the plane.

“Sarah are you ok?” Niall asked me. He looked better than he did then when we were at the hotel. The pilot announced that we’ll take off soon. I silently thank god that were going home and then answered Niall.

“Yeah I’m ok.” I said with a smile. Faking it all, I’m worried about my baby at home. Aiden’s probably asleep, so I can’t call and I’m just not ready for facing any of these motherfuckers again.

“Sarah I can see you’re not ok. I know you better than you know yourself. Trust me we are going to be fine. I promise.” He said looking straight into my eyes, I nodded.

“I love you.” I grabbed his face, holding both cheeks.

“I love you babe.” He smiled and I followed after and then kissed him. Our kiss was light and perfect, one of those I need you and you need me kisses. The ones where the butterflies come to your stomach and you feel so loved.

“Go to bed babe.” Niall nudges and I nod and cuddle up into him. My eyes start feeling heavier and heavier.

(A/N): Sorry babes Im trying to update more close to each other just yell at me and I'll try to update more! This chapter is more of a filler even tho we now know who Marcus is! SO try to figrue out whats going to happen an comment below!

Peace, love,and nutellaaaaaaa.



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