Chapter 15: Honeymoon.

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Songs for this chapter:

Shower- Becky G

Sarah's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I took a deep breath in, inhaling the amazing smell of the air. I felt around the bed finally coming to the conclusion that Niall is not with me. I got up and grabbed my silk small robe and walked down the stairs of our suite in Hawaii. I still can't believe everything that has happen, I'm in the place I've always wanted to go to and I gave my virginity to the man I love more than life itself. I checked my phone, seeing that my mom texted me.

F; Mom <3

Hey love! Have a great time in Hawaii. Aiden misses you but I'll keep him calm down worry love.

I texted my mom back that we'll facetime soon. I felt my husbands muscular arms wrap around me. I smiled as he kisses the back of my neck.

"Hey babygirl." My smile brighten when I heard his raspy morning voice that I've grown so fond of. I turned around in his arms and peck his lips.

"Hey husband." I said and giggled, he smiled.

"Mrs. Sarah Horan." He said and I smiled.

"Mr and Mrs Horan." I said and he laughs.

"I love the sound of that."

"Me too." I said and put my face into his neck and wrap my arms around him.

"Come on love, we have to eat."

"Is that what you've been doing down here." I asked and smirked knowing Niall's food obsession. He just smiled as he pulled me into the kitchen, were I saw the full spread of food. Everything from eggs to french toast was on the table.

"Don't worry I didn't make it. Room service is amazing." He said and I laughed and pull out a chair and so does he as we eat to our hearts desire. Or in till both of us are on the food cradling our stomachs because of eating too much. Yeah that's what happened. So thats how we got on the floor right. Well, Niall comes over to me and sits on my lap, straddling me. He moves his fingers down to my sides and kiss me lightly. Then he does something only Satan would do. The hoe, after many, many screams and pleas for him to stop he finally does and tries to kiss me.

"NOPE! " I said.

"Why baby."

"You tickled me, that's something Satan would do. And I don't like Satan."I said sassily.

"Shut up." He smiles at me and after about several tries. I let him kiss me, he gets off me and pulls me up off the ground.

"Go get dressed sexy." He said in my ear. I just laughed and walked up the stairs. I got out my cute blue tie bikini and black acid shorts and a crop top that says "You can't twerk with us." I put on all my clothes and ruffed my still curly hair. I put on my light makeup and put on my sandals and then grab my purse and a towel. I walked out to our room and see Niall and his nakedness.

"Of course I walk out and your naked." I said and smirked.

"Oh you love it." He said his Irish accent really showing.

"You know I do." I said and walked behind him and slapped his bum and walked down the stairs.

"REALLY!" Niall screams after me and I laughed down the hallway. I threw my phone in my purse as Niall walks down the stairs in a shirt and bathing suite and some flip flops. Niall obviously checks me out and I just smirk.

"Your shirts cute." He smiles and winks at me.

"You can't twerk with me." I said and winked back.

"Ok Miley lets go." He said laughing and pull my arm to the door which i gave into. We walked out to our car and Niall opens my door like a gentleman that he is. I kissed him lightly before getting in. He walks around to his side and gets all situated. He pulls out and we drive out of the parking lot. He takes his sweet time taking me to this place. We stopped at Starbucks and got coffee, of course us two white girls. He finally pulls into a parking lot after about 20 minutes after Starbucks. We got out and he grabs my hand and pulls me to a place called 'Swim live'. I give him a questioning look and he just shrugs and pulls me into the building. We go down this little hall way into a huge room with fish and dolphins all around the room.

"Do you know what were doing?" Niall asked me. I shook my head no.

"We're swimming with the fish." He said and smiled pulling me towards the lady at the front desk were he makes sure everything is in order and then takes me to get snorkels. We put on our snorkels and then go to the big tank, were a instructor told us what to do. We got in and everything was so beautiful the colors and everything. We swam for about a hour in the tank just looking at the beauty of this tank of fish and dolphins. When we finally got out Niall was taking me somewhere else. We drove at least another 20 minutes and finally got to a beach. I screamed out excited and ran towards the beautiful beach. We just walked around the whole day and stared at the ocean.After about 2 hours we got into the car and made the hour drive to our suite. When we finally got there, I grabbed my phone and saw I had texts from my mom till me about Aiden. Till I got down to the bottom text.

From: Unknown

Enjoy your honeymoon while you can bitch.

-Your favorite stalker.

"NIALL!!" I screamed and Niall came rushing for me and I handed him the phone. We stared at each other in complete silence.

(A/N): Any ideas on who the stalker is? Lol, any way whats up guys! Im going to try to update more ive just been busy but thats changing! Love you guys! Vote and Comment loves!

Peace, love, and

You go Glen Coco.

-Sarah xx

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