Chapter 7: As I'll ever be..

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Songs For This Chapter:

Sirens- Cher Lloyd.

Sarah's POV:

I got a call from Niall's phone again. Its been 2 hours and the boys are here but not him. I answered it immediately.


"No I'm sorry Ms. My names Officer Reed, your fiancé Niall is next to me. He's been in a accident and he wont let me get him into a ambulance till your here at 5th and Q street." He explains.

"I'll be there soon as possible. Officer how is he?" I asked.

"He's ok. But he as a gash on his forehead and there might be more damage."

"Ok , I'll be there soon." I end the call and raced down the stairs. The boys followed and didn't even question me. I raced in Niall's mustang he bought me and couple weeks ago. He said it was a late grad present. Memories of us and Aiden run threw my mind as I raced harder to the scene. The other car was next to Niall's. I parked in the middle of the scene of people and pushed threw to Niall. He lays on a stretcher.

"Niall!" I screamed and hugged him.

"Hey baby girl." I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, hey I love you and nothing wrong with me ok. Everything's fine and when I'm out where going to get Aiden. Do you have the note?" The last part he whispered and I nodded and pulled it out of my pocket. I watched as Niall's teeth grind together as he reads it. I took it from him with much difficulty from him.

Dear My Beautiful,

Why did you let Niall father this child? Huh! I loved you with my everything well good luck finding me. And ask Niall how hospital life is for me.


Your love-sick ex.

I clutched it in my hands and threw it to the ground. I kissed Niall. It was just a little kiss.

"I love you! But I have to do something I promise I'll be at the hospital soon." He nods. I watched him get in the ambulance. I walked to the boys.

"Beau come here please?" He nods and walked away with me.

"I need you to do something for me?"


"I need you to teach me everything about being a gang member. I need to be trained in everyway you know how. I don't care if you think I can't handle it. I can, trust me."

"Ok I'll do it." He said after a couple minutes of hesitation.

"Lets go." He nodded and pulled me back to my car and helped me in before we went on the freeway. It seemed like the longest drive in the world.

"Why are you doing this?" Beau asked after at least 20 minutes of silence between us.

"Because I'm tried of being helpless. And you can mess with me as much as you want but when you hurt the two people I care about the most. It means war." I grit threw my teeth. He nods and turns into a parking lot. The sign above reads the building  The Gun Range. I turned to Beau with a confused look on my face.

"Everything you need to know about being in a gang is in the shop. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be.."


Hey loves!!! I updated again! Sorry if I made you cry! Its not my intention I hope this chapter makes you feel I little better!!! Love ya'll!! Vote&Comment! I'll update after 4 votes!!~Sarah

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