Chapter One

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Jungkook smiled slowly as he watched the tormented souls being tortured.

"I swear, you just keep getting more and more sadistic as the centuries pass, Kook." Namjoon mused, having seen the way the devil smiled. Jungkook shrugged simply.

"I wouldn't call it sadism so much as amusement and redemption. So many people that sinned throughout their lives, and here they are, being damned for eternity. They never realize what they're doing is bad... Until they end up here." Jungkook replied with a relaxed voice. Namjoon sighed and shook his head. After an eternity of life together, he was used to Jungkook's monologues.

Jungkook stood from his perch and stretched, hearing his back pop. It was amazing, being a demon didn't stop him from having back pain. Probably one of the more irksome things about it, honestly.

"I'm gonna go up top for a while. Don't expect me back anytime soon." Namjoon glanced over and sighed again. Young heart in a young body, restless minds and all that. It's not like he could stop Jungkook if he tried.

"Don't get into trouble."

"No promises!" Jungkook took a turn and walked up a staircase built into the wall. There were a few of these, easy access to all the fun portals across earth.

He pushed open the door to Earth and breathed in a breath of polluted air, recognizing the change in atmospheric smells.

"I much prefer sulfur... At least compared to this stench." Jungkook muttered. He looked around the small candy shop... The portal to Hell and back in Seoul. Most of the other portals were similar, little places that could tempt people into sin in simple ways. For example, this was a perfect gateway to greed, and other portals led to places like mattress stores (sloth) or strip clubs (greed. and also lust. but mostly greed.)

This was Jungkook's favorite portal though. Damned insatiable sweet tooth.

"Thanks, Seokjin!" A slightly husky, beautiful voice rang from the front of the store, ringing in Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook stealthily snuck out to the front of the candy shop to see a pale man, looking like the most gorgeous creature to ever step foot on this cursed planet. He had to be like... an incubus or something. Nobody with that lovely of a voice could be anything but a creature of temptation, and to be fair, Jungkook was the leading expert on this matter.

"No problem, Yoongs. Always a pleasure to give you a little pick-me-up before you go back to work." Seokjin replied in a chuckle. Jungkook glanced out, and the Probable Incubus happened to look over as they made eye contact.

"Uh... Who's that?" The boy pointed in the direction of the demon, over Seokjin's shoulder, who smiled slowly.

"Oh that's-"

"Hush, Seokjin. The better question is, angel, who are you?" The poor thing looked startled, like a cat who was tossed into water. He looked to the man behind the counter, who shrugged helplessly and watched the interaction closely, ensuring Jungkook wouldn't do something stupid.

"I'm Min Yoongi. And you are?" Jungkook chuckled and came around the front of the counter. He caught a whiff of something strong and floral coming off of the boy, lilac and rose. It enticed him to take a small step closer. Had to be an incubus, Jungkook was never swayed by flower smells.

"Jeon Jungkook. Pleasure to meet you, though the pleasure is all mine." He mumbled the last bits, but Seokjin definitely heard as he punched the younger boy in the shoulder. Jungkook gave him a sharp look.

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