Chapter Ten

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Taehyung shoved Jiyong into a chair and crossed his arms.


"Pushy. And bossy. Have you considered that's why you're single?" Jiyong jeered. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Stop being annoying and tell us what you know." Jungkook ordered. Jiyong sighed and wiggled into the chair to get comfy.

"Well. I'd like to start by saying I was honest when I told you I'm your ally. I am, honestly, doing this for the benefit of the kingdom."

"I'll be the judge of that." Taehyung said. Jiyong eyed him warily. Evidently he didn't realize just how serious Taehyung was as a threat.

"... Fine. The elder and I have been corresponding about easing restrictions on Heaven and Hell. Making it less of a struggle to communicate or work together." Jiyong explained. Taehyung and Jungkook shared a look.

"That sounds too easy for all the secrecy." Jungkook muttered.

"You'd think that, but consider how... volatile everyone down here is. They're stuck down here, and according to my source, the angels aren't any happier." Jiyong huffed.

Taehyung and Jungkook shared a look. Years of being friends made it easy to know what the other was thinking.

"... Fine. Say we believe you. What advantages do demons get working with angels?" Jungkook asked. Jiyong didn't have an immediate answer.

"Well. Maybe. Just maybe... we write a little peace treaty."

Taehyung snorted and shook his head. Jiyong looked offended at the action.

"You really think a peace treaty will work? The rift between Heaven and Hell is so old it's Biblical, dumbass."

Jungkook was less sure. He could admit he'd never been a fan of the angels, however, since dating Yoongi... it probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

He didn't say any of this out loud but Taehyung seemed to sense it.

"You're fucking with me, right? You can't seriously think this is a good idea." Taehyung said in a hushed voice.

"What? What's going on here?" Jiyong demanded. Taehyung and Jungkook ignored him.

"It... come on, you know the... circumstances." Jungkook gestured in the air to emphasize his point. Taehyung glared.

"Need I remind you that most of the people down here would slaughter every angel they saw without a second thought. You and some others are the different circumstances. Are you really going to change thousands of years of precedent because of him?" Taehyung ranted. Jiyong was still making noise in the background but it went unheard, the two seeming in their own bubble.

Jungkook frowned. Then said, "What's the worst that could happen?"

Taehyung's mouth dropped as Jungkook pulled Jiyong from the chair and they left him alone in the room.

Well. Jiyong's not the only one who can have secret meetings with an angel.

He snapped his fingers and appeared behind Yoongi in the angels kitchen.

"Hi Taehyung." The demon smiled at that.

"What if I wasn't Taehyung? What if I was Jungkook? How'd that look to your possessive boyfriend?" Taehyung watched as Yoongi moved around the kitchen, pulling down another bowl to put ice cream in.

"You two have different... energies when you teleport. Kookie's like... like early summer warmth. Gentle, just a breeze. You're like the heat before a thunderstorm." Yoongi explained. Taehyung had no idea. He wondered if that was for everyone or Yoongi was special.

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