Chapter Seventeen

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*a/n: more violence, more discretion advised. I mean it, take caution. I apologize, there's not... really a way around it that doesn't cut out most of the plot.*

For a while after that, things were fairly calm. No angel appearances, no demons going wild. Jungkook split his time evenly between Hell and Yoongi and Taehyung. 

Taehyung wasn't needed as much for the whole... hired hand thing, so he made sure Yoongi was safe and secure when Jungkook was busy.

(Jungkook was sure there was more to it than that, such as Taehyung's little crush on the angel.)

And that was the downside, was Taehyung refused to acknowledge it any further.

Jungkook didn't wanna pry, per se, but he was getting antsy.

It was a reckoning, of sorts. When Taehyung pulled him aside to tell him he almost kissed Yoongi, Jungkook felt a flash of warmth so sharp it made him breathless.

He still thought about his response as Taehyung looked at him like a kicked puppy, "So why didn't you?"

It made sense to him. He saw how Taehyung looked at Yoongi and vice versa.

At first, he knew Taehyung was simply curious about the angel, curious about what was so amazing about him. Jungkook said it himself, Taehyung was the best judge of character. With Taehyung's silent blessing, he knew Yoongi was special.

And knowing Taehyung spoke to Yoongi personally, feeling out whether or not Yoongi was worth it to Jungkook... it made him feel loved. Taehyung was easy at giving love naturally, made sure to drape himself over Jungkook at any available opportunity, physical and always affectionate.

It was all too natural to put the two together in his mind. His love for Taehyung, his best friend, and for Yoongi, his angel...

Not only that, but he could tell Taehyung really liked Yoongi. There was something in the way he behaved around the angel, smiling more and generally being a much gentler version of himself. It was something Jungkook only saw in private, Taehyung so used to maintaining his image.

So it really did boggle his mind why Taehyung wasn't more on board with this.

And sure, maybe Jungkook should have considered it more. Maybe he should have really thought about why he was so okay with Taehyung having a crush on his boyfriend.

To be quite honest, his thought process was to look at Taehyung and realize how handsome he was, how pretty his eyes looked in the sunlight, how kissable his lips are...

Jungkook's best guess (actually Namjoon's, who gave him his usual philosophical tangent about his dilemma) was he had always been at least a little attracted to Taehyung. At the very least, his platonic feelings were easy to shift to romantic when the moment arose. 

Jungkook smiled to himself as he imagined what Taehyung and Yoongi were up to at that moment.

They were spending the day together while Jungkook worked, then he would come join them for the rest of the night.

And actually... Jungkook glanced at his watch. It was close enough to the time he'd finish doing his work, he may as well leave early.

He was unfortunately sidetracked by Taeyong, eyes wide and kind as he gave a monthly report. Jungkook nodded along, words going in one ear and out the other. Taeyong was a lovely person but Jungkook was already thinking of Yoongi and Taehyung, nothing could make him focus.

Except how his phone vibrated in his pocket. Jungkook excused himself and pulled it out, answering the call from Taehyung.

"Yeah, what's-"

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