t h r e e

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It was Saturday morning which means I would be moving into my own place today. It was an exciting moment, I had only ever lived in a dorm by myself. This place was only slightly bigger than a dorm, but still alright. It had a bedroom, a very very tiny bathroom, a kitchen, and a tiny living area that merged into the kitchen. I hadn't unpacked my things except for the clothes I had worn the past three days. Derek and Izzy were helping me move in. Yesterday Izzy and I went shopping for things I needed. I bought the essentials, plates, cups, silverware, laundry stuff, toiletries, and a few home decor.

"Hey where would you like want these?" Derek asked as he carried two small boxes. I looked at the label and it read 'Kitchen'.

"You can put them on the counter. Thank you." He nodded and proceeded to the kitchen. I brought my suitcases into my room and sat them down by the bed.

"Alright this is the last of it." Izzy said bringing in a box. Her phone started ringing so she set the box down and picked up.

"So are you excited about living on your own?" Derek began making small talk.

"It's a bit scary but yes, I am."

"I used to live alone, now I live with my fiancée, Cindy."

"Oh you're getting married! That's so nice, congrats!" He smiled at the ground.

"Yeah she's wonderful, you'll probably meet her. She's a makeup artist on set."

Izzy had hung up and walked into the kitchen where Derek and I were talking. "Hey we have to go to the warehouse, there's an issue with one of the boats."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure, we'll have to look at it." Derek and I followed Izzy outside and to the car. I sat in the back while Derek drove and Izzy sat in the passenger seat. We drove to the prop warehouse, everything was being shipped out to Dorset today so we had to make sure everything was working properly. We'd leave tomorrow morning to get everything set up before shooting began Monday.

We arrived at the warehouse and parked outside. It was raining pretty hard outside, we made a run for it so that we wouldn't get too soaked. Inside were about 30 or so people, most of them were old, buff men moving heavy things around. I followed Izzy and Derek over to one of the boats that read 'Moonstone' on the front. There were three other people there too.

"What seems to be the issue?" Izzy asked, the people on the boat turned around with a sign of relief on their face.

"We can't seem to get this board down right, it keeps coming off. Also there was something wrong with the engine but Joe here got that fixed before you got here." I looked over at the boat and one of the main boards was, indeed, sticking out. It wasn't too bad but it would be noticeable in the film. Chris wants these props to be perfect.

"Well have you tried our toughest paste?" Derek asked.

"We would but that wouldn't work with water. It'll come back right up." The man on the boat explained, "I just don't know why she won't stay down."

"It may be the way it's put in" I suggested, all eyes turned to me. "Some planks have to be slid in carefully instead of pushed into place all at once."

"Well young one, I guess you were right, well done." He smoothed his hand over the board that was now sitting correctly in place. "Who are you exactly?"

"This is Rosie, our new intern that we hired. Remember talking about it?"

"Ahh yes, the intern. Welcome to the team Rosie, my name is Sawyer."

"We'll paint the rest once we get to Dorset. We don't want to risk scratching or chipping on the way there." After checking up on the rest of the props we started packing smaller props into boxes to put into the trailer. Most of the larger boats were from Dorset so we didn't have too much on our plate. We worked for a while, then Derek dropped me off at my place and Izzy at her's.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking most of my things. I didn't have much since I kept some clothes in my suitcase. We were leaving for Dorset tomorrow morning and we were filming there for about a week and a half. After I finished I went to sleep. It was around 9 pm, but i was tired and I had to wake up early.


We were currently on our three hour trip from London to Dorset. In the car was Derek, Izzy, Lindsay, and I. We had been driving for quite a while now, I think we had about 30-45 minutes left so I decided to listen to music and close my eyes for a bit.

I woke up right as we pulled up at the hotel we staying at. Derek parked the car and we checked into our room. Izzy and I would be staying together so we put our suitcase in the room and went back downstairs to meet Lindsay and Derek at the car.

The hotel was by the set so we walked over since it was nice out and not raining. When we got to set there was already a big crew setting things up left to right.

"Let's go see what we can do." Derek and I followed Izzy to the dock where the boats were being finished. I grabbed some paint and and began helping out. We finished all the boats and sorted out smaller props like maps, bags, guns, etc.

"How's everything going?" I heard a voice say. I turned and couldn't believe who stood before me.

Christopher motherfucking Nolan.

"We've got everything done and ready for tomorrow." Izzy said. They shook hands and Izzy motioned for me to come over. My legs seemed to be shaky but I managed to get myself over to where they were standing.

"Chris, this is Rosie, our new intern." I was speechless. I tried to make out words but I'm sure it sounded like I was from another planet.

"Hello there Rosie, so nice of you to help us out." He held out his hand.

"Th-Thank you so much for this. I'm a huge fan." He smiled at my comment, while shaking my hand.

"It's always nice to meet young film fans, there aren't many around here." Chris then left and went to check the rest of the set.

"Oh my gosh I just embarrassed myself in front of one of the best directors ever. I'm such an idiot." I began blabbering. Izzy laughed at me and gave me a pat on the back.

"It happens."

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