Gathering Storm -Part 6

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Everything was going well till my ex, George, couldn't move on. I felt bad for him but I didn't think he would sink so low. He started posting old pictures of us as if they were current. I had blocked him so I wasn't aware but my friends let me know. I called Yoongi as soon as I found out but he wasn't answering.

I was afraid of what Yoongi might think. He couldn't be so insecure that he would really believe I moved on so quickly? But then again, he saw me move on from my breakup with George quite quickly. I told myself that if I didn't talk to Yoongi today I would get a flight to Miami tomorrow. I felt so much stress waiting for Yoongi to answer. So afraid of losing him and of hurting him.

Yoongi POV:

I sat there staring at my phone like I've done countless times. I troll through her friends' posts in case they posted a picture of her and I wonder if she misses me as much as I miss her. My hands shake when I see the photo. Their smiling faces looking happy and in love. It hurts so much I can't take it. I want to scream. I want to hit him. Why did I let her go? Why did I think we could go on with our previous lives and not lose the closeness we shared? I love her so much I thought I could be strong and be there for her long-distance. 

My career matters so little right now. All I want is to hold her and have her say she loves me and only me. I quickly check her Instagram to see if she posted anything but she hasn't. The last post is the picture Lisa took of us at the airport. It gives me hope that this may be a mistake and everything is still okay.

Looking up from my phone I notice that I left the back door open. I call out to Holly and wait for the tic-tic of her doggy nails on the tile floor but there is no sound. I'm suddenly pale. I can't lose Holly, either Holly. I grab her leash and head outside to look for her. The sky was ominous and the wind was starting to howl. I vaguely remember hearing on the radio that a storm was coming. I start to panic and yell, "Holly, Holly!" 

Every step I take it's getting harder and harder to see because the rain is pounding on me. I start to cry in despair as my tears are washed away by the rain. I trudge through the rain desperately looking for her. Now it's dark and the wind is getting worse. In a panic, I start to run home but I slip and fall.

I wake up soaking wet and shivering. My clothes are muddy and stiff my shoes are ruined. Holly pops into my mind and forgetting my discomfort I drag myself up and start to walk home. It's still very windy but the rain has diminished. I should hurry home where it's safer this might be the eye of the storm. My eyes dart here and there for any sign of Holly. I try to call out but my voice is gone. I search my pockets for my phone but I don't have it. I either lost it in the fall or I left it at home in my hurry to find Holly. 

 I can't believe this is happening to me. Finally, I reach the familiar area of my neighborhood. I find my street and hurry as the rain starts to get harder again. As I approach my back door I notice movement in the dark and a little squeal of a bark. It's Holly! She is wet and miserable like me but we are both alive. I pick her up and keep saying I'm sorry Holly in a hoarse whisper. I dry her off with a towel too weak to do anything more for her and then strip down from the muddy clothes and shoes. I shower to rinse off the mud but don't even have the energy to dry myself. I drop on the bed naked and cover myself and pass out.

Holly POV:

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Holly POV:

I've tried calling Yoongi countless times and left him messages. Is he angry with me? Does he hate me? I decide I can't wait to hear from him so I check online for flights leaving today for Miami. There are none. All flights to Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are canceled due to Hurricane Gina. Online it says it's a category 3 hurricane that has caused flooding, wind damage, and power outages, and the airport is temporarily closed. This must be why I can't contact him. Maybe the cell phone towers are down or overloaded. I'm even more worried about him.

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