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August 12 - 5:47 am

leggylance: are you awake yet??

leggylance: actually I don't give a fuCk if you're awake or not

leggylance: I'm going to tell you this anyways!

leggylance: so I was thinking about our games

leggylance: and our friendship game was entirely improvised and I made up the rules as we went

leggylance: but BOYFRIEND is a HUGE deal

leggylance: so I actually put thought into this one

leggylance: there's 5 levels again. you're a level 0 now haha.

leggylance: it might be harder to level up in this game. idk. depends on you tbh

leggylance: I can't tell you how to level up because if you knew what to do I wouldn't know if your actions were genuine or planned

leggylance: you unlock something at each level which I reveal when you level up. and a new title at levels 2 and 5.

leggylance: that's about it

leggylance: I assume your phone is off cuz you haven't replied

leggylance: sweet dreams Keith!! ♡

leggylance: (╯3╰)

9:56 am

kmskeith: why the hell were you up so early on a Saturday?

kmskeith: I'm so glad I forgot to charge my phone last night

leggylance: I sorta didn't sleep last night

leggylance: and still haven't slept

leggylance: but now Danny has given me coffee

leggylance: but he didn't know I didn't sleep

kmskeith: fucking hell

kmskeith: I'd tell you to sleep but now you've been caffeinated..

leggylance: yeah but it's fine I'm fine it's all fine

kmskeith: yeah I don't believe you..

Video Calling leggylance...


Lance giggled when he saw Keith's face on his screen, "Hi!! You called me! But you didn't have to call me. But I'm glad you called me! Your hair is messy. Did you just wake up? Probably. Do you need coffee? I don't like this coffee, it's icky!!"

The whole time Lance blabbered, Keith just kept saying his name but just couldn't get Lance to stop talking. But then Lance stopped to breathe and Keith quickly spoke, "Lance, how much coffee did you have?!"

Lance shrugged, "I dunno. Danny made a full pot and only had one cup. But now it's all gone. It was soo icky but I was soo tired so I drink the icky coffee anyways!"

Keith groaned, "You're running on no sleep and a nearly full pot of coffee?!"

Lance giggled, "Yeah, pretty much. But I couldn't sleep! And the coffee makes me awake so I'm not sleepy. I was sleepy but couldn't sleep. I didn't like it!!" he whined the last part.

Keith sighed, "Maybe a sleeping pill would've been the wiser decision here. Not a full pot of coffee..!"

Lance pouted, "Now you're mad at me... I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you. You're just very hyper and it's overwhelming." he sighed again, "If this is you overly caffeinated then I'd hate to see you drunk.."

Lance started laughing, "Just ask Pidge to send you the video."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Of course she has a video of you drunk. Why wouldn't she."

"Yeah, she has everything and knows everything. She's like Gretchen from Mean Girls. Her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. But seriously, she does have big hair. It's so long it goes past her butt."

Keith laughed, deciding to just let him ramble and burn off some energy, "Yes, her hair is quite long."

Lance giggled, "Hunk braided it for her at lunch last year because she had P.E. right after and she didn't like to keep it down. He likes her hair. He likes her."

"Well, they are going on a date tomorrow so I sorta figured that out.." Keith chuckled.

Lance's eyes widened a bit, "I forgot about that!!" he giggled, "She asked him out, that's cute. Well, she didn't ask him out. She just told him they were going on a date. That's cute too."

Keith smiled as he noticed Lance was speaking slower now, "Yeah, that's very cute, Lance.."

Lange laid down on his couch, "You need to level up so we can go on a date. I wanna go on a date with Keeeiiith!! But you're at level zeroooo. Laammmee!!"

Keith laughed at him, "I'm working on it, buddy. I read your texts. What level do I have to reach to unlock a date with you?"

"Two. And that's casual dates. Romantic dates are level four." Lance cuddled against the pillow.

"Then I really gotta level up fast.. I can't wait..." Keith smiled lovingly at him.

Lance closed his eyes, "Mhm... Gotta level up... I just don't want to get hurt again..."

Keith sighed and his expression saddened, "I will never hurt you.. I will never treat you how Zack treated you.. I promise..."

Lance nodded, falling asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Lance.. I'll text you later.." Keith said as he hung up.

level up ❇ klance trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now