Kinda perfect

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This is what I believe. Everyone is entitled to there own beliefs. Everyone can take what they will from this poem.
I'm not here to push my religion or opinions/ beliefs on anyone.
Thank you! Enjoy

When you listen to the clean version of a song, when you add the curse words back in they sound awkward and out of position,
I think it's because god didn't attend us to be down
He also didn't intend us to hate others
If god created all in his Vision
Then how could he create a community that
Are best friends with the devil or
Eat sins for breakfast or
Cry fields of unfaithfulness on everything holy
I believe in a god.
A god that puts the milk before the cereal
A god that loves men and women and everyone in between
A god that does not hate you for being gay, straight, asexual, trans, black, Asian, agender, white, small, tall, Indian, and imperfect
I believe in a god that loves me
I believe in a god
I believe in a god that loves me
I believe in a god that loves me
I believe that I love god
Although our relationship is not the best right now
God has a plan for me
And for each and every one of you
One god that loves many
His heart a song
This song created purely of harmonies for the ones he has looked upon over millions of years
I believe in a god
And she believes in me

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