Beautiful Nature Poems (Only Two)

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If I am to write to you.. what nature has done,

From the rise of the moon to the birth of the sun,

Then my pen would dry and silence my voice,

For my heart is captured beyond its choice,

Every painter’s brush will draw paintings half done,

Not fully in beauty defined as the mastered one,

His representation is a copy of a graceful nature that’s true,

For its graceful being cannot be among the captured few,

From the flowing of rivers in sparkling silver streams,

To the wide open prairies and fields of one’s dreams,

From the stars that shine with the hopes of man,

Making each one of us to them, just another fan,

To whom such glory of beautified nature attained,

Who parted heaven and earth and aloft the earth maintained,

To whom such perfection and greatness we relate,

If not to Allah alone, and in his creation we contemplate.


In the earliest hour of salah

The hour in which it is best to recite

The words of the one not in sight

And to praise him with all your might

Within this hour he is the closest

To those who choose prayer instead of rest

Now praise him deeply in your Salah

Let your heart speak the words of Al Fattah (the opener)

Let your whole being be dedicated to the one

Dedicated to the one Ar rahman (the all compassionate)

In the earliest hour of salah

Let your tears flow in humiliation

To show your gratitude and dedication

Show your dedication to your creator

To Ar razzaq, the sustainer

Let your heart feel the words of your lord

The words which contain much reward

And when you bow down in sujud

Embrace the words of Al wudud (the Loving one)

In the earliest hour of salah

Let your mind ponder upon each word 

Words that are felt and not only heard 

Let these be the last words you feel 

For these words, they have the power to heal 

To heal any sadness, pain or grief 

And fill your heart with peace, tranquility and relief 

In the earliest hour of salah

Thank Allah for this day that he has given to you 

Another day in which to strengthen what is true 

Another day in which to increase your good deeds 

These good deeds you commit, to Allah is where they lead

Ask him for tomorrow to make your iman stronger 

To learn more about Islam, ask him to make your life longer 

Ask him to bless you with knowledge and increase your taqwa

So you can be closer to your creator, Almighty Allah. 

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