Music and Appearances // Beth

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Musicians these days dress up with expensive clothes or clothes that are meant to be sexy or seductive but does all that really matter? If they are musicians shouldn’t they be able to sell their music by just that? Their music? They shouldn’t have to dress up to sell their music should they?

When writing their music, do they sit there and think of different things they can also do in their videos to sell their music?

Look at Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly and all the others from back then, like Fats Domino. They didn’t have any sex-selling fancy videos. They had their band, themselves and their voices. And maybe their own guitar or piano too. And how many records did they sell? Too many to count and yet people today are trying to sell sex in their videos to sell their music.

And I know and appreciate the musicians that aren’t doing this, and there are some. But they are a dying breed, I think anyway. I mean, cant people just play their songs in the videos or is that too much to ask? Are they trying to work themselves out and give people the wrong idea about them? When they grow up and have children of their own, do they want their own children to do the things they did in their own music videos?

Now I know this rant will probably not do diddly squat to change a thing but I just needed to get this out there. Musicians shouldn’t have to sell themselves in order to sell their music. That is just plain sad and wrong if you ask me.

So that’s my rant for the day. See you next time,

Beth (:

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