Well fuck me running

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My sister is a hellcat. There's no doubt about it. When she gets mad, there's no calming her down. Typically she would've put a beat down on the Arizona patch who dissed her. I still don't know how the fuck Happy did it. Those two are freaks of nature. Watching them interact, it's obvious that there's a serious pull between them. The tension is so thick you could choke on it. Taya has never once shown interest in a man. Ever. And Hap, fucking Hap man. He hasn't looked at a croweater since he walked in. Happy loves pussy. Hap loves pussy even more than he loves killing. By this point, he'd usually have 2 or 3 croweaters all over his shit. But his eyes never strayed from my sister unless he was speaking to one of us.


Terrifying. Those two were fucking terrifying. Compared to them, I'm the normal one! And I'm into some pretty hinky shit man. Happy just backed Taya down. That has never happened. Shit, no one has ever had the balls to try. And this fucker does it calmly while drinking a beer. Jesus., he didn't even stand up. "Taya.. baby, you good?" I asked cautiously. She grinned. "I'm fine Tiggy, relax." She chuckled. She's calm. She's fucking calm. Usually that shit storm would still be brewing. I looked at Juice. "Juice...." "Yeah.. I know!" I didn't even have to say anything. He looked as mind blown as I felt. Bobby just chuckled. "We all knew that if anyone could handle our princess, it would be Happy." Chibs nodded his agreement. About that time, Happy's hand shot up and wrapped around Taya's throat. No one knew how to react.

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