Preparing for the rapture

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The boys and I were laying on our bellies on a hill, scoping out the scene below. Taya's hands were chained above her head to a hurricane fence, her cut on the ground next to her. One of the guys who nabbed her was laying in a pool of blood, not moving. We were close enough to hear most of what was being said. We got here just in time to hear my sister start singing her sick little version of the Freddy Krueger song. Happy grinned when she did. "Enough!" The lead henchman yelled out. "Hold her still!" He told the others. "And for fuck's sake, watch for blades!" He bellowed. Two of the guys grabbed Taya and held her down while a third tried to get her shirt off. Before any of us could stop him, Hap was strolling down the hill towards them. "Oh fuck this isn't gonna be good!" Tig yelled and we crept along behind Happy.

I walked up to the asshole trying to rip off Taya's shirt, calm as can be. "That's a bad idea, bitch. I'm real picky about who touches me." Taya growled. Before the man could react, she jerked one of her legs free, and I watched proudly as she drove the blade into the throat of the little fucker. He dropped to the ground. Tay giggled. Another man immediately took his place. "Jesus! How fucking hard is it to get this bitch naked?!" Lead asshole exclaimed. "Mind if I try?" I asked casually. "Sure go for it. Don't blame me when you end up like those two." He answered without even looking my way. He gestured wildly at the two dead bodies. "Cool." I nodded. Everyone else froze. Taya smiled wide. "Did you chip me, Hap?" She grinned cheekily. I nodded. "Saved your ass too. Although you seemed to be handling things fine." I shook my head at my little hell cat. The boss finally looked at me, and went white as a sheet. Using my blade, I gutted every single one of them, while he watched. When it was his turn, he spoiled the fun and put a bullet in his own head. I stabbed him in the eye just for the hell of it. When I stood up, I was covered in blood. "Taya! You ok lass?!" Chibs unchained Tay. "I'm fine brother. Took your asses long enough though." She snorted. "Hap, you ok man?" Ope asked. "I'm rapturous." I grinned. Probably a bit psychotically. Taya purred and walked towards me. "Mmm I love it when you get nasty. Makes my panties nice and wet."  She moaned. The guys cringed. "You're a fuckin liar." I pointed at her. Everyone looked our way cautiously. "You never wear panties Mamma." I smirked and yanked her to me for a kiss. She giggled girlishly and hopped up into my arms.

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