Chapter 2 | Around the Village and Baking

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¡Marinette's PoV¡
I woke up to the sound of children playing outside. I yawn and get off the bed. I hear maman and papa chatting about the masquerade ball this Sunday. It was Monday morning so we had to open the bakery. "Good morning, maman, papa." I yawn.
"Good morning, sweetheart. Could you help me make some apple pies for the bakery, later? The customers love them!" Maman said.
"Yeah, sure. I'm just going to take a breather around the village. I'll be back in 30 minutes or so." I put on my blue blouse and paired it with a white skirt and some shoes. I eat some breakfast and head out the door. I saw the children whom were playing outside. I saw two who were playing by theirselves on the sand. One with strawberry blonde hair looks at me with a smile. "Hi, Marinette!" She said, waving her little hands at me.
"Good morning, Tikki!" I walk over to give her a hug. "Who's this little man?" I say, looking at an olive skinned boy with green hair and green eyes. He was no older than Tikki by a few months maybe. "That's Plagg! He's Prince Adrien's friend!" Tikki said smiling at him. I forward my hand to shake his little ones. "I'm Marinette, nice to meet you, Plagg." I say with a smile. He smiles back and shakes my hand. "Marinette? Like Marinette the baker?" He says tilting his head like what a cat would do.
"Yup. The Marinette. Why do you ask?"
"The prince is always talking about you. He's annoying." Plagg said, building something out of sand. "Hey, Tikki! Can you gimme that bucket, please?" Tikki hands him the bucket.
"He talks about me?" I ask in disbelief. Plagg nods. I check the time. 11:32. "I've gotta go, I need to ask Alya something." I hug Tikki again. "Bye, Mari!" Her little voice said.
"Nice knowin' ya, lady." I chuckle at what Plagg said.

Marinette walks to Alya's house. It only took a few minutes to arrive at her front door. Marinette knocks on the wooden door. She could hear footsteps running around the house. "Hi, Alya!" She smiled.
"Oh, hey, Mari! What brings you here?" Alya asks, moving out of the way to let Mari in.
"I wanted to ask you if you've gotten the masquerade ball, so.. Did you?" Mari asked sitting on the couch.
"What? You've already gotten that!? I've heard about rumours and such but I didn't know it was REAL!!" Alya squealed. "Are you kidding? Did you actually get invited, EARLY??"
"Uh.. Yes..?" She took out the golden ripped envelope. Alya was at the tip of fainting, but she couldn't. She wouldn't want to miss what it said.
"How?!" Alya took the envelop and read it.
"Long story," Marinette said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Then.. I've got ALL day to hear it!" Alya was so excited she couldn't stay put in her seat.
"Ok, fine.." Marinette took a deep breath and started to tell her the event that happened the earlier day. Alya smiled through the whole thing, intrigued of what happened to her best friend.
"No, way!!! IS THIS REAL!!?!!" She exclaimed.
"I think so..?" Alya was walking around trying to process what she just told her.

!Time Skip¡
"Bye!" Marinette waved goodbye to her friend and walked back home. She opens the door and the bell chimes trough the store, signalling that someone came in. "Hi, papa!" He waved. "Where's maman?" She asked.
"She's in the back, preparing the pies." He said. It was odd that her dad was at the cash register. It was usually her mother. And her father was usually baking and her mother was the cashier. She nodded and walked to the baking area.
She found her mother taking supplies out of the kitchen cabinets like, rolling pins, trays, and all of the baking essentials you'd need to make some pies. "Hi, maman!" Marinette came walking beside the kitchen island. "Ready to make the apple pies, Marinette?" Her mom asked, taking out the basket of heavy apples. "Ready as I'll ever be!" And with that, Marinette and her mom baked and baked apple pies. So far, they've baked 16 in total. "Phew! Crushing those apples are hard work!" Marinette inhaled.
"C'mon, they weren't that tough!" Her mom teased.
"You've been doing making apple pies with papa for a while now! This is only my 3rd attempt!" Marinette said, getting a drink of water. "I'll go place them on shelves." Marinette took three apple pies at once, balancing one on her head and the other two on her hands. Her mom opened the door for her and she placed them on the shelves. The bell chimed and came in a familiar face. He had olive skin with brown eyes. It was... "Nino..!?" Marinette gasped.
"Why hello, Marinette!" He waved. He picked some treats like a few croissants, a lemon pie and some macaroons. He walked to the cash register and payed for the sweets. "Thank you, Mr. Dupain-Cheng. See ya around, Marinette!" He waved, taking the treats with him. Her dad faces his daughter. "Do you know him?"
"Y-yeah, I met him yesterday. He was the prince's companion." She explained.
"A prince's companion knows our daughter..? That's amazing!" Her dad cheered.
"Yeah, and having an early invitation to the masquerade ball is a lot more amazing..?" Marinette laughed.
"Early? What do you mean early invitation?" Sabine came walking into the main area.
"She's right. Marinette got an early invitation to the ball. I asked my friends and they don't have a clue about it." Sabine said. Tom cheered. "Wow! And early invitation to the ball? The prince must like you." He teased.
"Oh, papa!" Marinette laughed.

It was now late into the night. Most shops and stores were closed, including Dupain-Cheng bakery, and most of the village was asleep. Marinette was sewing away her dress until she fell asleep. She was laying on her desk, sleeping soundly. She pricked her finger a few times but it wasn't a big deal. The whole village was probably asleep by now. It was a full moon and it shined through her windows. The only sounds that were heard was owls hooting, crickets, and the clock in the houses.

Author's Notes:
Sorry for the late update, I've got writers block for a little bit so it took me a while to get this chapter done. I hope you guys like the story so far, and sorry for the errors in advance.

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